Ok so I'm not sure about anyone else but I'm so sick and tired of what comes out of the mouths of poeople who have no idea about Alopocia Areata!
I am new to this disease I've only had AA for about a year and a long terrible year. After shaving it all off and it growing back I'm now left with a cute bob, with a few new bald spots and thinning eyebrows.
So to get back to my story, I've decided to stop treatment it was really working and now not so much. I was talking to my neighbor about my hair starting to fall out again and she left me with this comment.
" Well maybe if you tried to live a healthy life style and started eating better your hair would grow back".
Ok maybe it's not just the fact I have AA this pissed me off it's not like I'm out there doing durgs smoking or anything like that and yes I know that living healthy is great for your body and mind. It's just the way she put it was like if I just change a few things like started working out it would keep my hair from falling out again. Then I said well I know there are a ton of really healthy Alopecians out there and yet their hair has not returned! I told her maybe she should take a look a Alopecia World since I thought she was my friend and would like to learn about this condidtion she said " No Thanks" I guess it really just hurts that people who you think care about you are so unwilling to learn about what your going through. So I decided to write it down on here and now i will only share my feelings with people who know what I'm going through no more trying to reach out to people who just don't get it.

Now I'm over it!

Oh wait one more stupid comment so I was telling my mother who is probably one of the least sensitive people in the world that my female hair was falling out and that I was getting concerened about going AU she says oh dear your over reacting your just getting old that happens I'm only 30 I'm not the cript keeper.


Views: 4

Comment by Linda on September 12, 2008 at 7:41pm
Hey Jessica, I feel your pain, I hate it when someone comments on my hair like they know what Alopecia is, then when I tell them, they don't want to be educated. It sucks...then I get angry and everyone that makes a comment after that for awhile catches the brunt of my anger. But really, true friends, I mean true friends, they want to know what it is that making their friend unhappy or making their hair fall out or anything else. Plain and simple, there are no cures out there for Alopecia. I think I'd mail her an Alopecia Brochure just so that she knows what you're going through. Wow...just getting old huh, try 50+, lol, I'm not the cript keeper either, so I know you aren't getting old. Just be strong Jessica, I know it's hard, but you're are beautiful inside and out and of course, I got nothing but love for you Sis!
Comment by jamie1 on September 12, 2008 at 9:54pm
Jessica, In August, as m hairloss issues started getting worse, I became very open talking to people about alopecia. I give a very brief explanation and let it go at that. Recently, I had to have my head shaved to manage the problem. Some people just don't get the explanation...too thickheaded or frightened I quess. They think that I am being trendy or self destructive or depressed or whatever, with a totally shaved head. As one woman said ( with a disgusted look) "I just don't understand why anyone would shave off their hair". I quess that she thinks me emotionally unbalanced. No matter how much we attempt to explain alopecia, some folks will NEVER understand. I find my comfort from a few friends in my life and the many wonderful people in Alopecia World. I certainly get your frustration.
Comment by Casey on September 12, 2008 at 9:55pm
Oh my! You tell your mother when you talk Alopecia with her she needs to listen and not say comments like that! Tell her you confide in her because you need someone close to you to listen not put her 2 sense in like the hair is falling out cause your getting old! GEEZ what a thing to say! Some people even moms do not think before speaking!
People are harsh at time. Again with not thinking before speaking! I hate HATE when people dont listen and when people act interested but wont even educate themselves on the subject.

Just dont block out people who really do want to listen! They are out there I promise! They are your "true" freinds! They are the girls/boys who will always be there for you with or without hair! And they are the ones who will sit up with you and cry right along with ya! This is what happens you will find out who you true friends really are! You know when I was goin through this in high school I had tons of friends (so I thought) then all of sudden I went to school lookin HORRIBLE with like just strands of hair and then it was like I had no one! except the five friends (my true friends) that were right by myside! and still are till this day! I thank God for them!

Just remember you are BEAUTIFUL! with or without hair!
Stay Strong
Comment by Mandy on September 12, 2008 at 11:20pm
Hey girl,
Man, your neighbor...not cool. I don't even know what to say. But don't let it get you down. Some people just don't understand that this is an AUTO IMMUNE DISEASE...not something that happens due to your nutrition or something. I've had the same things said to me. Whenever someone says something like that, I just tell them (again) that it's an auto-immune disease and that it's not something I did that caused - that it's not my fault. When I explain like that they kinda realize and apologize.
Comment by Carmella on September 13, 2008 at 12:56pm
Comment by Jessica on September 13, 2008 at 4:16pm
I just want to thank everyone for all the support I just wish all people could see what you all do.
Comment by Jean Jackson on September 13, 2008 at 8:18pm
Glad to hear that I'm not the only one getting ridiculous commnets. My fav is , "Well, what did you do?' Followed by, "Well, what are you doing to fix it?"

When my eyelashes fell out my MD sent me to an eye doc because I had an infection. The eye doc said, I've been in practice for 20 years and I've never seen anything like this."



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