zac asked me out! yay! i left a comment for him on myspace that said "hey wuts up?" and he said "nothing wanna go out?" and i said "yes" so were going out! yay!

and i left my phone in my locker yesterday! Dx but i went to get it today. damn that place is creepy on the weekends! it was so deserted. i was with my friend kara. we finally found and open door at the back and we had to go up stairs and around to get to my locker cuz the doors separating 2 hallways was closed. and then we heard a door slam at my locker, but there wasnt a soul in sight. ledgend has it that in the pirates hallway, a janitor murdered a cheerleader, and now its nicknamed the red hallway. so we got so freaked. re ran out after that. but i hve my phone! so its allll good.

thats about all i have to say so comments plz!

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