in 1st period after test

zac gestures to me to write a note

zac:sorry i couldnt get on myspace last nite :(
me:don't worry about it. so now can u tell me?
zac:i dont like abbey anymore. i like u.
me:i like u 2
zac:what a twist

so karlee was passing notes with shelby and she kept giving them to mandy to give to me to give to shelby. and she kept asking (by mouth) 'who does zac like?' and i was like 'im not saying a word' then she asked him 'do u like shelby?' and he scribbled a big giant NO on a piece of paper and held it up. i t was hilarious. so im not sure if were officially going out or not. cuz he didnt officially ask me. he just said he liked me. so im still waiting to find out :] c yaaa

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