After reading what some of ya'll had said about your experinces with the first time you shaved your head, I decided to do it. On this past Friday after work I had an appoinment with one of my wig stylists to put my hair up in an up-do for a party I was going to. I took my best friend Brittany who was in town from Ohio with me. We were sitting around laughing & enjoying a martini while Cheryl & Angela were styling my wig. I looked over and say the razor sitting on Cheryl's counter. She caught me looking at it and said, "Your friend can do it for you if you want." I looked over at Brittany and she smiled and told me she'd do it. I decided right then it was now or never. I handed Angela my camera and Brittany started to shave my head! The strange thing is as I watched in the mirror I was expecting to have this big flood of emotion about it all, but I didn't. I didn't cry right away or get all weepy. I just looked in the mirror & told everyone "I think I look like a pod-person." They all laughed. I went to the party that night and had a great time. It wasn't until Saturday afternoon when I got in the shower & tried to wash my hair that it hit me. I had nothing to wash!!!! A little creepy the first time & then I started to well up with tears. I only cried for like two minutes but once I did I kind of feel like I let alot worry I had about doing it go. That felt good. Really good infact. Thanks so much to all ya'll who gave me advice & shared your story with me. It really helped! XOXO!

Views: 17

Comment by Cheryl, Co-founder on April 8, 2008 at 7:57pm
Hi Tiffany,

I honestly sit here emotional reading your post. It is not the removal on ones hair but the honest hard step to continue on with your life. I can't wait to hear your stories of swimming and other water sports that you have put off for the last 2 years . And hopefully like me the first time you jump in the water is going to feel like you finally breathed again. I swam around like a mermaid, dove to the bottom of the pool and up again, swam around on my back and looked up at the sky, for the longes time I thought I would never swim again. Life begun again for me after I let me hair go and in a little way I think you passed through that door as well.

I am glad you have the memories of your friends around you, an intimate moment between true friends that is priceless and you have the photo to look back on.

Congratulation and thanks for sharing this with us!

Comment by rj, Co-founder on April 8, 2008 at 8:10pm
Hi, Tiffany. Congratulations on making the courageous decision to continue living your life to the fullest. If I understood you correctly, the camera was rolling while you were getting your head shaved. If so, please feel free to upload your video(s) to Alopecia World. If you need assistance doing so, please let me know. I'm sure many others will be inspired and emboldened by your story. :-)
Comment by Sarah McIntosh on April 8, 2008 at 9:12pm
It took me forever and a day to shave off the remains of my hair but after I did it I though I would have been a wreck but I wasn't,I was empowered.I felt like I had control in my life once again.So good for you.3 cheers for Tiffany.
Comment by kastababy on April 8, 2008 at 9:55pm
I read your post and just like I shouted for joy last night when Kansas beat Memphis, I went outside and shouted for joy for you!!! Congratulations on taking the biggest step of your alopecic life, which is simply letting go! ROCK ON!!!!
Comment by brian kirchman on April 13, 2008 at 8:10am
as i was going to comment on the blog i read every ones comments and thought what amazing people to saport and care for others they never met i cant say any thing better. i wouldint trade my alopecia for the world and thats the truth!


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