I'm almost 42 years old and noticed a very small patch of alopecia on my beard in September 2008. I never really thought anything of it at the time other than it was a bit odd. I don't have a heavy growth and never thought about growing a beard anyway. The patch slowly expanded and is still growing to this day. I did an internet search and tried Calosol beard cream which didn't help.

In January of 2009, my wife noticed another small patch on the back of my head (behind my right ear). This again has steadily grew into quite a large patch. I mentioned both of these patches to my GP and he suggested trying Canestan cream as it could be a fungal infection. I tried the cream for over 3 weeks and it didn't make any difference.

I was concerned/depressed enough about these but I'm absolutely beside myself with worry over the latest patch that I found on the top of my head around 3-4 weeks ago. A patch about the size of a small coin (UK 5p piece) appeared overnight and I was horrified by it. It has already almost doubled in size. I can still cover the bald patch but am constantly checking my hair throughout the day to make sure that it remains covered, and am dreading the time where it can't be covered (or shows through without me realising).

I went back to my GP and he has referred me to a dermatologist but I have to wait 12 weeks for an appointment.

I'm so upset and distraught. I feel like my self confidence has been zapped. It is keeping me awake at night and I have shed tears also.

I also feel a bit silly for getting so upset about it. There are far more serious issues out there, but this is my issue and I am so down right now. I see pictures on here of people with a far worse condition than what I have and feel their pain.

I keep trawling the internet in search of some hope. I know that it can regrow after a few months and am keeping everything crossed for this. I haven't really found any success stories on the internet yet and have only just discovered this site - does anyone on here have success stories?

Thanks for reading this. I just need somewhere to vent my frustration. I have a good life and a wonderful wife, and I just want to be able to enjoy it, but worry has taken the enjoyment about of things just now. My wife is so concerned about me too. I'm trying not to let this condition affect us too much but she keeps saying how sad I look.

Views: 21

Comment by Roger on July 7, 2009 at 7:04am
Thanks for sharing your story Robert. I know the feeling. Ive had alopecia since 1986 on/off. Ive learned to cope with it after so many years now. Try to keep the chin up. I know it can be hard.

Im here if you wanna ask something or just talk.

Comment by Joshua on July 7, 2009 at 12:58pm
Hi Robert,

Thank you for sharing your story. I am sorry to learn about yet another frustrating condition= alopecia is affecting someone else.

I have compile some information on my blog http//joshuablogspace.blogspot.com

You may click onto the label "Alopecia" to see a list of postings relating to alopecia.

Do keep in touch. Here's definitely a place to vent your frustrations and share your good news.

Comment by Jeff W on July 7, 2009 at 11:39pm
I totally empathize with your situation! I went through similar emotions as yourself when I first started developing spots. Mine started with a nickel sized spot and then more spots started to form. I also lost a small circular portion of facial hair, but I since I don't generally grow a mustache or beard it didn't bother me as much except for the fact that it seemed to indicate something wasn't quite right.
I went to a dermatologist and got cortisone shots and steroid creams, but they didn't help and if anything the problem got worse and developed many more spots. At that point I gave up on the treatments and like Aimee am letting nature take its course.

One thing I thing you should do is make sure there are no underlying causes that might be detected via other bloodwork. I had checked were thyroid and other hormone levels. Somewhere in the blogs and discussions on this site you should be able to find specific tests that you could have.

Now let me give you a little hope. My brother was diagnosed with Alopecia Areata about 2 years ago. He spontaneously recovered and all his hair returned with no treatment at all. Mind you it took a good year for full recovery, but that is the nature of this. I also seem to be on the rebound, but it is happening very slowly. My hair no longer seems to be falling out and most of my spots seem to have some (not very dense) hair growth. I've managed to keep the spots fairly well hidden by just letting the hair I have grow out and creative use of hairspray. Interestingly, one of the most encouraging things I've noticed is that some of the bald spots in my facial hair now has some growth as well. I still don't know if and when my spots might regrow, but in large part thanks to this site I feel I'll be prepared for whatever happens. I think you are already well on your way to having this in the proper perspective. Don't let this diminish your joys in life as they will persist even if your hair does not!
Best wishes,

Everyone seems to be a little different, so nobody can predict the course your hair will take. There is still plenty of reason to believe that you will spontaneously recover as many do. As difficult (or impossible) as it may seem, try not to let this worry you too much as stress certainly doesn't help. I'm sure you have your family's support and you certainly will get plenty of support from this group.
Comment by Robert on July 8, 2009 at 5:22am
Thanks to all who have taken the time to reply to my post. I really do appreciate it and this website has been a great discovery to me.
Comment by John Killion on July 14, 2009 at 4:12pm
I've always been very healthy and active. About three months I began to lose my beard on my chin and my dermatologist diagnosed it as stress induced Alopecia, and said it would most likely regrow in a year. I didn't worry about it too much because I figured why worry about something I shave off anyway. But last Friday I went to get a haircut, told the barber to buzz me, and was instantly shocked to see several small bald spots on one side of the back of my head and one very large, very noticable one on the other side. I called my doctor and he said the only treatment that MAY work are the injections. I am loath to pump anything into my body but at the same time if there is anything I can do to slow or reverse this process I should consider it. I am a very fit 50 year old and this is my first experience with Alopecia. Any advice from you folks would be much appreciated. I am so impressed with the strength and courage you people display, your pride in yourselves, and your resilience. I'm so impressed that I now understand that if the worst should happen, and I lose all of my hair, I can easily live with it. Thanks.


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