I delayed putting my pictures of my AA up here because I didn't want people to just feel sorry for me. I have learned to (for the most part) accept this disease as part of my life and to keep living. I won't lie, I still have up and down days, but I am no longer ashamed to tell people what I have and talk about it in public. Gone are the days of "I don't know why I have a bald spot" or my all time favorite: "I hit my head as a child," an excuse for both my bald spot and my personality. But I decided to put up the pictures in case there is anyone out there with a similar situation who hasn't accepted it or feels like they are alone. So again, I don't want sympathy... Support is a totally different thing and I'm more than willing to accept that, but if there's anyone else out there with "Spots" like me then just know you're not the only one going through this and if you need support I'm here. Now, on to the pictures:

Me, I don't really like this picture. It reminds me of how much weight I've gained since the injections. I don't plan on getting anymore, but thats a different story.

The original spot, the "bullseye" as mentioned before. The only spot I've seen re-growth.

All this is new within the last couple weeks.

Also new within the last few weeks.

Views: 14

Comment by Mandy on May 19, 2008 at 11:33am
Drew, I think it's good to share pics. For me, it helps me to blog and post pics and share because it makes it real and that's important...it's important to get it out there and face it. I posted some on my blog, too, if ya wanna see. I've got the spotty thing going on just like you right now.


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