I've become a human pincushion

I’m not a fan of needles. But about once a month I would make myself suffer and go to the dermatologist’s office just to get the injections in hopes of making the hairs grow back on the ever-growing bald spots on my head. A few times with little to no effect and I decided to start looking for something else.

One day after missing a class because of my dermatologist appointment I went to talk to my professor about making up the work I’ve missed. The teacher (science course) also taught a course on alternative medicine. After explaining to her a little about the disease she commented that I should maybe think about acupuncture. What she said that made the most sense to me was that “It sounds like you have an imbalance of you’re immune system, of your body.”

After talking it over with my parents they were hesitant. I kept trying to convince my mom to call and set me up an appointment, but there was just something that was making her put it off. It was most likely skepticism. Finally she called and set me up an appointment for last Saturday. What helped me get the appointment was that my father’s cousin is an acupuncturist and lives about a half an hour from my house.

So I went with an open mind (because I’m sure most of you have realized with this disease, as long as there isn’t side effects and its not too far out there, you’re willing to try it…or maybe that’s just me) Half an hour later there I was laying on a soft table almost falling asleep from the relaxation I was feeling… and I had about 20 needles in me!

You don’t understand, needles to me is like nails on a chalkboard to others. I would much rather lay down in traffic then to willingly stick needles into my body. But there was something about it. I went back today and feel even better.

And that’s what I like. Not only is she trying to treat this condition but she is also treating the rest of my body. She has worked with me on clearing my head at night so I can sleep, and has even tried to help my body because the lower half (my feet mainly) are chilly compared to the top half. I have had more energy after leaving there and the day after than I have had in a while. Not only physically do I feel better but I do mentally too. Little things don’t bother me as much. I am more relaxed and the things that stressed me even right before the appointment I don’t care about.

Now it can be a little bit pricey and she said not to expect much for results with the bald spots for a little while. But each session is still cheaper than each visit to the dermatologist’s. And many insurance companies are reimbursing or paying for the visits to the acupuncturist. I haven’t sent in the form to my insurance but I will let you know how it turns out. I don’t mean that I’m not going to go back to the dermatologist, I just thought I’d try something a little different for a change. I’ll also keep you posted on the results from it.

Besides the AA here’s what has been going on:
- Coaching girls soccer, lost the first game and I got a card for arguing with the ref. haha
-Went to the dental surgeon because I have to have my wisdom teeth out, surgery is the 21 of July, they’re knocking me out and everything.
- Graduated from 2 year college, now on to a 4 year school…
- Start working again at the Pizzeria this weekend, haven’t heard back from the camp yet, but I’m guessing I got my job again this summer.

Other than that everything’s been good and busy. Hope everyone else is doing well

Views: 22

Comment by Tony on May 22, 2008 at 6:34am
Hey Drew...congrates on graduation. Don't worry about getting booked...just means you're doing your job as a coach! Busy? I guess...no moss growing under your feet. Good for you.

Alternate medicine can be a great if you find the right practitioner. Sounds like you have. Treating the person is as important, if not more so, than treating the symptoms. Glad you are doing well.
Comment by Mandy on May 22, 2008 at 9:34am
I think that if you find something that works for you, that is all that matters! Please keep us posted!
Comment by Jennifer on May 22, 2008 at 3:07pm
Hey, as lond as it helps mentally because that is the most important thing! Confidence is beautiful!!! Congrtas on graduating!
Comment by Gabby on May 25, 2008 at 11:04pm
has the acupuncture worked for you're alopecia???? good job with school and coaching! im on my schools dance team and in band!! so i feel ya bout the busy part!
Comment by kastababy on May 26, 2008 at 12:12am
Congratulations on your graduation!!!!

How are the trips to the acupuncturist working for you so far?? I would be very interested to know how that is working -- and it is very true that our mental outlook toward this condition is VERY important in how well you respond to any other treatments. I think that if we are treating our whole bodies and trying to have whole body wellness that that will go a long way toward helping us to beat AA.

Please keep us all posted on how the acupuncture treatments go!!! Happy Memorial Day!!! :)


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