Oh, little white fuzz
on top of my head
You are so short and white

Oh, little white fuzz
so soft and cute
Inspire the other patches...you might!

LOL. Dunno...just feeling silly today. But seriously...so when I got the first steroid injections on May 2nd, I had 4 spots at the time. Now 3 weeks later, I can see a small patch of white hair coming in in one of the spots...but just one. I'm trying to think about this logically...and if it was the steroid injections that CAUSED the hair to grow back...wouldn't it have grown back in all 4 spots? Seems weird to me that it's only coming back in the 1. Really makes me feel like the injections may not be worth it. What do you think?

Views: 19

Comment by Tina on May 22, 2008 at 4:47pm
I hear ya! I've been doing the injections for a year now (among other treatments) and now I'm soley doing the injections. I have mixed feelings. Sometimes I feel like, yes, it is helping. But other times it seems like it just CAN'T help. I started out with 3 patches, and now I have tons! I just sometimes feel like the rate at which my hair is falling out is faster than these shots can really keep up with. It's like, yeah...my hair might be starting to grow back in those few spots, but then I get 5 more, then 5 more after that. It's like, eventually...what's gonna happen? Shots on every inch of my head?? Seems kinda crazy to me. But it really is up to you. You just had a couple appointments, so wait it out, and see what happens. If your hair starts falling out more quickly, they might recommend steroids to get your hair to start growing more quickly...but that's a whole other experience.
Let me know what happens. =)
Comment by Khadijah Wright on June 1, 2008 at 2:56pm
I think that the injections are worth it if it makes you feel better. Since AA is so unpredictable and has a anonymous blueprint that is unique to each person, I think that you are the BEST judge. I have been getting injections for the past year and recently decided to stop since I haven't seen any new growth in over 3 months. What works for some, may not work for others. If you believe that it is working and like the way it makes you feel- continue the treatment. However if you are going through something much deeper and feel that hair is not the answer- then focus on that.

Although I have learned over the years that it is not about the hair, I also know that you want your hair back and that is ok. Just be responsible about it and consider the side effects-not just the physical ones but the emotional ones. I agree with Shawna in hoping that you have a Doctor that you trust and LISTENS to you. So if you and your Doctor feel that it isn't detrimental to your health, go for it!
Comment by Khadijah Wright on June 1, 2008 at 3:10pm
Oh, and Mandy, you are gorgeous without the hair! I want you to focus on that more.


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