well today i meet a girl with alopecia and her names alicia shes 12 and shes gonna go to the same school as me she dont like wearin wigs and she lives just up the street from me i thjought it was soooo kool that their was someone like me thats goin to the same school as me... she thinks my moms wierd tho cuz my mom was goin past her house and seen her and stopd her car in the street and was like do u have alopecia and alicia was like ya and so my mom pulld in her driveway! and startd to talk to alicia and my mom told her how she has alopecia and so do i sooooo i went to her house and was there for an hour and me and her r soooo much alike it wasnt funny like she has a 5 year old brother i have a 5year old brother she has a 8 year old brother i have an 8 year old sister and i have a dog named jack or we sometimes call him jackie and she has a dog named jackie i just thought it was kool that i found someone like me but i fear for her shes goin to school without hair and people r gonna give her a hard time i feel sooo bad cuz i dont want her goin threw that at alll shes such a sweet girl and i dont want her gettin hurt i mean i kno shes been without hair since she was two but still and i kno i just meet her and all but i dont want someone saying something and it hurting her i mean i wear wigs and like it looks like real hair and just bein made fun of for my eyelashs and eyebrows its tough to go threw but her shes got the whole package with no hair on her head no eyelashes and no eyebrows... i just dont want her gettin hurt :(

Views: 1

Comment by Tallgirl on July 26, 2010 at 9:38pm
Can you imagine how cool it is for her that she will have a friend like you right away? :)
Comment by lex on July 26, 2010 at 9:42pm
i kno its kool for me so im hopeing its kool for her
Comment by Tiffany P on July 26, 2010 at 9:49pm
Well seeing how you guys are now becoming friends just let her know that she can come to you when shes having a hard time. Thats all you can do is sit with her if you have lunch together and just be there when you can. Anyway thats really cool and i hope you have a great school year, i know i'm about to start and i am excited and nervous at the same time. :o)
Comment by Cheryl, Co-founder on July 27, 2010 at 1:41am
Hi Lex, Also, if she has not been wearing wigs, then she already knows that she may experience some tough times. Atleast now she has someone who understand her and she can talk to. Awesome! Also your mom is cool for stopping to talk to her -- I do the same thing when I see someone without hair ;)
Comment by Christa M. on July 27, 2010 at 6:00am
Lucky you both. I'm sure that you will find a lot of strength and help and nice time together.
I'm happy for you.
Comment by lex on July 27, 2010 at 11:55am
thank you all for the comments :)


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