Dear all, since this site is about diversity, below, you'll find my impressions about the NAAF conference, first in French, which is my first language and after in English.

Louisville, Kentucky. Pour la majorité des gens, cette ville, ce n'est qu' une ville quelconque aux États-Unis. Pour moi, cette ville est l'endroit où, pour la première fois, j'ai eu le sentiment de faire partie de la majorité. Pour la toute première fois, ma pelade ne m'excluait pas mais m'incluait dans un groupe. Sentiment merveilleux. J'en suis même arrivée à oublier que je n'avais plus de cheveux et à me promener, toute la fin de semaine, le crâne à découvert!

J'ai réussi à me regarder dans le miroir et à me maquiller sans me trouver laide, sans être fâchée après moi, sans ce sentiment d'agressivité envers mon corps. Je me suis maquillée en étant fier de moi, de mon crâne dénudé, de mes quelques cheveux éparses. J'ai réussi à trouver en moi, grâce à cette conférence, assez d'empathie pour m'accepter tel que je suis.

Je sais que mes sentiments négatifs reviendront. Un deuil n'est jamais complètement fini. Mais ce dont je suis certaine, c'est que ces sentiments ne reviendront jamais avec autant de force qu'avant et qu'avec le temps, leur visite s'espacera de plus en plus.

Merci à tout ceux et celles qui étaient présents à Louisville. Nous n'avons pas nécessairement été officiellement présentés mais sachez que vous m'avez donner le plus beau cadeau qui soit.



Louisville, Kentucky. For the majority of people, this city, this just an other city in the US. For me, this city is the place where, for the first time, I had the feeling of belonging to the majority. For the very first time of my life, my alopecia did not excluded but included me in a group. Marvellous feeling! I even forget I was bald and for the first time in 6 years, I walk around without any head cover!!

I succeeded in looking at me in the miroire and putting make-up without finding me ugly, without being angry at me, without this feeling of aggressivity towards my body. I've put my make up being proud of me, of my head, and of my scattered hairs.

I was able to find in me, thanks to this conference, enough empathy to accept myself. I know that my negative feelings will return. A mourning is never completely finished. However, I am certain, that these feelings will never return as strong as they were and with time, their visit will space more and more.

Thank to all of those which were present at Louisville. We might not have formally meet each other but you have given me the nicest gift ever!



Views: 19

Comment by Mandy on June 24, 2008 at 3:38pm
Oh that is wonderful, Diane. I'm so glad you had such a great time at the conference. Wish I could have been there!
Comment by Roger on June 24, 2008 at 6:46pm
Thanks Diane. That was wonderful written.

Comment by kastababy on June 24, 2008 at 9:52pm
I'm so glad you had such a wonderful experience at the conference!!! And your blog was very well written!!! Remember, even when you have difficult days, we are all here for you!!!
Comment by Sara on June 25, 2008 at 9:57am
Beautifully said! Thank you!
Comment by Dotty on June 25, 2008 at 9:32pm
You brought tears to my eyes. You brought back my memories of my first conference in Tampa, Florida 4 years ago. Unfortunately, I had to cancel my plans last minute, but I thank you for bringing that wonderful feeling back for me. I didn't have to be there to know exactly how you feel!!! I'm sorry I wasn't able to meet you but I hope you will come next year.
Love and Hugs,
Comment by Brigitte on June 26, 2008 at 7:09pm
wow...... merci Diane.... ce doit être merveilleux de se sentir comme tu le décris..... ça donne le goût ! bonne soirée
Comment by rj, Co-founder on June 29, 2008 at 8:16pm
Hi, Diane. It was great to meet you at this year's NAAF conference, which I also was attending for the first time. I'm also happy for you that you're learning to truly accept, embrace, and love yourself. I wish you great joy and good success on your journey of liberating self-discovery. :-)
Comment by Cheryl, Co-founder on June 29, 2008 at 8:52pm
Hi Diane, for a lot of us who have attended conferences, this post brings back special memories. I know the feeling you are talking about and I remember them well. You are at the door of true self-acceptance, when we stop battling ourselves and just surrender. We stop fighitng and finally take a few deep breaths. Thanks for sharing.
Comment by Holly Ralston Oyler on July 8, 2008 at 9:33pm
Diane, Like everyone else, I am so glad you were touched by the NAAF Conference and Louisville. I attended the very first Conference many years ago and several after that. Then, all of a sudden, I did not feel the need to attend any longer, so it has been about 12 years since I have been to one. When a client let me know it was being held in Louisville this year, I immediately called Vickie K. at NAAF and got involved. I too had a wonderful experience. But best of all, reading your post took me back to that very first Conference and let me know that the NAAF Conferences are still doing what the original group set out to accomplish - making you feel good about yourself and letting you know you are not alone. So please follow Cheryl's advise above on self-acceptance. It will make your life so much easier. Thank you for letting the Alopecia Community know your feelings. You have truly taken the first step and your future is going to be so much brighter.
Comment by chelsi on July 9, 2008 at 9:24am
Cela donne vraiment envie d'assister à ces conférences ! Merci de le partager avec les autres ...


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