Well, I thought that I should share with you all about my alopecia.
I found my first bald spots when I was in school and I was 10 years old, turning 11. I had a ponytail and I scratched my neck, where I found a bald spot. I went home and asked my mom about it, and she told me that it was nothing to worry about and that she had a couple of bald spots when she was little that disappeared just a month after.
I dug deeper and thought that my hair was falling off because of my shampoo. Haha...
A few weeks/ a month or something later I found another bold spot in my front hairline... Of course I was a bit sad about it, but I was mostly searching for answers to all my questions.
We went to the hospital in my town, and asked what was going on. They showed me a couple of pictures of other people with alopecia and how it can look.
No answers... All they said was "Come back when you're in need of a wig"
So I went to another town to a skin & hair specialist where I got laser-treatment. After my first meeting, when we got out on the street I only said "Well... At least I don't have cancer"
Then I got contact with some wigmakers thru my doctor. I went there and ordered a wig. I was not that satisfied... So I searched for a new wigmaker with my mother and found one in Stockholm. So I started to order my wigs from there and I loved them and still do!

So anyways, I never been that sad about my alopecia. The most difficult thing is actually meeting someone...
Men under 30 are often not that mature. Unmature men do not want a woman/girl who can stand on her own two feet and sticks out from the rest of the bunch. The fact that I'm bald under my wig scares them because it's different from what the know of, and I'm having a hard time meeting someone who accepts it.

Anywho! I love my fake eyelashes and I love my wig!

Views: 47

Comment by Henrik on December 27, 2008 at 4:41pm
Vet inte om det är tillåtet att skriva på svenska, men det gör jag ändå!

Jag förstår ditt problem, och jag lider med dig. Tjejer är verkligen inte omogna på det sättet och accepterar det utan vidare. Men jag vet att det finns mängder med killar som skulle acceptera det, det gäller bara att lyckas hitta rätt!

Lycka till, och hoppas ditt hår kommer tillbaka =D

/ Henrik
Comment by Maygen on January 20, 2009 at 3:25pm
where do you get ur eyelashes?
Comment by kimberly dean on September 24, 2009 at 10:19pm
I too am scared that I won't meet anyone who will accpet me with a bald head for exactly the reasons you suggest, that it scares them off. I hope that one day both of us can find the perfect guy who thinks that we too are perfect, flaws and all. You are a gorgeous young girl and I know you will meet someone who thinks so too


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