Does anyone have androgentic alopecia?????

I have read so much on here and I cannot find if anyone has androgentic alopecia. Am I the only one suffering from this? I do not know what to expect and I am scared. I do not even know if it can change into something else! My doctor has so little to say and I do not know where to turn. What gives??

Views: 197


Comment by Carol on August 11, 2008 at 7:49am
You are not the only one with this! I know two women with andro. alopecia - just not on this site but I think there are a few here?!?! You will find out more about this if you search for male pattern baldness.
Comment by Mandy on August 11, 2008 at 2:09pm
Try posting a discussion in the forum or starting a group for androgentic alopecia. I'm sure you'd get some response! Don't worry you're not alone!
Comment by Laurie on August 12, 2008 at 8:22am
Hey Lisa,

My dermatologist keeps telling me I have telogen effluvium but I'm starting to think I have androgenic alopecia. I've been shedding since the beginning of the year and my hair is sooooo thin. I do have regrowth but it certainly isn't as much as I'm losing. I just told my husband last night, "I think I would be happier if all my hair just came out so I could move on." Anyways, I have added a few friends that don't have the auto immune alopecia: Danna, Dawn, Elline, Jodi and Susan. I've done alot of internet research on the subject. Let me know if you have any questions!
Comment by Carol on August 12, 2008 at 9:12am
Androgenetic alopecia in women is usually shown as thinning on the top or all over and apparently rarely leads to balding. Regrowth is not seen unless under treatments such as Rogaine or hair transplants and whatnot. If you have regrowth then you must not have andro. alopecia and I would get a second opinion.
Comment by Laurie on August 12, 2008 at 4:18pm
Thanks, Carol. It is my understanding though, that you do get regrowth as the hair follicle miniaturizes before it ultimately 'dies'. During the miniaturization, the follice will produce finer, thinner hair with less pigment. Eventually, it will produce vellus hair, the peach fuzz type hair. And then, ultimately, it will produce no hair. So, while I may have regrowth, it is not the hair I once had. I'm not a doctor though - I might be wrong.
Comment by Lisa on August 13, 2008 at 9:37am
Thanks you guys. I do not have any regrowth that I can see so thanks for the straight shootin Carol. I feel ya Laurie - sometimes I just want the process to just be over with so I can get used to what I am going to look like and learn to like it. Ugh. A few clients and hairdressers have told me that they believe that wearing hats will make you shed faster as well as wearing ponytails. What do you know about that?
Comment by Laurie on August 13, 2008 at 3:48pm
From what I've read hats won't cause it but maybe a tight ponytail can. I wear a loose ponytail almost daily. It's either that or flat, limp hair...
Comment by sgomez on August 15, 2008 at 1:54am
I am am somewhat familiar w/ Androgenic Alopecia. I learned a lot about it on another fantastic website called Most of the women on that site have your type of alopecia. They are wonderful ladies! and VERY supportive. I suggest you check it out :-) Sarah
There are also some other ladies, like me, who have AT or AU, but most have your type.
Comment by CSue on August 23, 2008 at 1:41am
Lisa, I think androgentic alopecia is what I have, but I have not been diagnosed really. I had one doctor just tell me that my hair loss was genetic and I accepted that for years without questioning it. I have a few pictures on my page that show the extent of my hairloss if you want to take a look. I agree with Laurie, wearing hats doesn't cause hair loss, but any kind of hairstyle that pulls the hair too tight can cause breakage.
Comment by Jo Jo on October 22, 2009 at 8:31pm
Hi Lisa, I work at a derm's office and can tell you alittle about it.


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