so my second time wasnt much better.... i went to the same mean dermotologist who still insisted i had trichmillia and let me tell you guys i no im 100% positive i dont pull my hair out 100% positive. she said it looks like trichmillia and that she want me to have a biopsy and no way i mean no way am i letting her do that to me. maybe if i trust ed the doctor but not her, so my mom thought i should do it but i said no it would hurt a lot and i dont trust my doctor so my mom said i was going to get it done but are time was done, so the doctor gave me two shampoos and a note to my principle to tell him that i neede to wear scarves and i left feeling bad and sad becase i have to go see her again september 21(my b.f.f's birthday) i hate going ther and no i pray that my hair will grow, grow, grow enough so i dont have to have a biopsy.and i no everybody will say get a new dermotologist but i wiould have to wait until like december, so tjats not a possibility

Views: 29

Comment by Jeff W on July 29, 2009 at 12:25am
I totally sympathize with how long it takes to get in to see some dermatologists, but although I hate to tell you this but there is a good chance you'll still be dealing with this come december. You deserve to have a doctor that you are comfortable with. If you want to change doctors it sounds like it will take time, but the longer you wait the longer it will take. One option might be to go ahead and make the december appointment with another derm for a second opinion and in the mean time continue to work with your current derm as best as you can.
Comment by Tallgirl on July 29, 2009 at 11:51pm
If you want to talk to someone about trich, look up Cheryn on this site.
Comment by tara on July 30, 2009 at 8:09am
I have alopecia areata, and my biopsy came back saying it was androgenetic alopecia. the derms were smart enough to know better and ignored the results. the biopsy doesn't hurt and i can't find the scar on my scalp if i tried. if you don't like who is treating you (and you have other options), go see someone else. I can't emphasize this enough. It's important you respect and like your doctor.
Comment by Sarah on August 23, 2009 at 3:24pm
Three years ago when I went to the dermatologist I had a biopsy. He gave me creams and pills to take. I don't remember what the names of the so called "medicines" were, I just know they didn't work. The creams gave me bad acne so I stopped using everything and just let things run their course. Since then my hair grew back about 2 years later and now about 4 months ago the cycle started again. Alopecia has a mind of its own and doctors only want that money.
Comment by Anna Jones on July 10, 2020 at 2:09am

Oh, I am so sorry that you had to visit such a mean dermatologist who has not given you any valuable suggestions. It is easy to hire best dissertation writing service for help in research paper on time. There are plenty of mean dermatologists who are not doing their job in a much better way.


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