Hi my name is Ms. Elizabeth and I'm addicted to chocolate (dark chocolate)........ OH Wiat!! this isn't chocolate lovers anonymouse !!!! ok nevermind then. hehe
O.k this is really about a wig.... YES a WIG.. I know I know wigs wigs wigs but I just gotta make my own post about mine. well my Identity too. so here goes. THis may sound irelevent but you know how monkeys swing vine to vine? well my financial status is that of the Stupid monkey that sometimes doesnt make it to the next vine lol. instead he falls rite on his bald little head. im not saying im poor I own my car my mobile home,ps3, and this computer. but im definatly saying were not WELL TO DO. lol. and a wig is kinda pricey...unless I got one of those barbie hair ones from the flea market. my mother inlaw bought me one and I Hated it! and would NOT were it. I gave it to chick who wanted to were it to the clubs. (thats how fake it looked) and then one day I finally got a real hair wig. all the way from CHINA! lol but its very pretty. so anyways I went through a crises when I got it. I didnt think I would feel that way about it. but it was like ive been hatgirl and bandanna girl soooo long that even though wig girl was pretty (wich is what i THOUGHT I wanted) I didnt really trust her. I knew not to trust hat girl and bandanna girl but I knew what they would be up to like blowing off my head in the wind or rideing up my forhead exposing what shoulda been my hairline, but this wig girl no telling what she mite pull.
I had gone 7 years not owning a single wig. I wanted one but 100$ was a bit much for me to be selfish. but befor I got this computer or the ps3 I got a wig. my first real hair wig. and then I couldnt stand to were it . at first it wasnt bad at all I really liked it. but then I started feeling like I wasnt me anymore. or I betrayed myself. Who I really was. I embrace the freak in me and now I was hiding it. I was a poser!! and I started feeling like I shouldnt were it and I completly stoped wereing it for about 1 and half year. Ifinally gave in to her around december this year when I had all kinds of christmas parties to go to. and didnt want to spend the holidays TRYING to get people to understand why I was BALD and why I didnt wear a wig! lol so on she went! and for once I didnt want to burn every picture taken of me. (useally cause someone snapped when I wasnt expecting it and my hat would be to far up on my forhaed).over the past 6 monthes she has become my companion to many outings, & party's. I have grown rather fond of her. but now she is looking a little ragged. :-( and it is time to start TRYING to save money for a new one eeeeeeek!!!!
I know I may have some problems. like with with Itchy (my wig yes she has a name) I feel maybe getting use to yet another me wont be easy (provided I can afford a new me). I wish I could have one made. it's taken me 4 years but I have enough of my own hair (maybe) to make one of me out of me. A real part of me. That would be totally cool!.
well I need to go play super poke lol my other adiction (almost as bad as the chocolate) and catch up with some friends there. peace out everyone! and thank you for making a safe harber for me to be ME!!!
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