So I'm still losing more hair, and definitely not excited about it, and on top of it, I broke my foot tuesday night!! I was walking down the stairs and tripped on my moms shoes she had on the stairs and fell 4 steps to the wood floor. Somehow I made it through the rest of the night with no problem, but then woke up wednesday morning in a LOT of pain with lots of bruises. My mom took me to the ER and sure enough, I broke a bone and tore quite a few things as well. So now I'm stuck in this space boot looking thing for a month or so until it heals... boo!!

Views: 15


Comment by Gail on January 24, 2011 at 11:01am
My recommendation is that you see an orthopedist asap. I fell and broke my foot a few year back. The ER docs verified I broke it, but the put me in a boot and sent me home. Turns out, the type of fracture I had was serious and I had to have a cast - for 3 months - non-weight bearing!!
Not that this will be the case for you, but better safe than sorry. Have it checked out. ER docs are good, but they are not specialists and miss things sometimes. Good luck!
Comment by Tamara on January 24, 2011 at 11:06am
Well the ER just wrapped me in a ace bandage and gave me some crutches and referred me to a Orthopaedic. The Ortho. put me in the boot and I have an appointment with them again in Feb. for a follow up x-ray. Thanks though!!
Comment by Gail on January 24, 2011 at 11:24am
Great - you're already on the mend!
Comment by Tamara on January 24, 2011 at 3:06pm
I only took off 3 days last week, I can't afford not to work. So I'm just hobbling along a lot slower than usual. Luckily people are VERY understanding and I'm allowed an extra chair at my desk to rest my foot on!
Comment by Tallgirl on January 24, 2011 at 9:01pm
Just think of all the AW time you can log in!
Comment by Tamara on January 25, 2011 at 6:57am
haha definitely spending WAY to much time in front of computers and TVs!!
Comment by Tamara on January 28, 2011 at 7:20am
Carolina - I believe what you say about the hairloss 100%. Its definitely hard to go through, but I've tried to stay strong through it. I don't let it keep me down. My hair is about 1/2 inch long and I have a lot of spots coming through and instead of being upset about it, I just keep thinking, "now I have an excuse to shave my head again!". I loved being bald. I LOVED having all my hair too, but I just kind of learn how to embrace what I have. I rather be happy with what I have, then sit and cry about something I want. Seems like a waste of time to me!!

You did tell me I helped you find this website and I think that is awesome! I'm glad to have been able to help someone! This website is truely amazing, and so are ALL the people on it!


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