Firstly I just want to say, this is an awesome site! Wish I would have found it much sooner!

I don't know what its like to have ever had hair. My parents have told me, that I did have some hair when I was born. Apparently, I was nearly 7 weeks early when I made my splash into the world. Shortly afterwards the doctor came to my parents room and said we need to talk.
Ofcourse with that statement, my parents were terrified. The doctor explained that I have some hair, but was patchy, and not much of it. My dad says, okay so whats wrong with my daughter? The doctor explained that I will lose all of my hair, that I had a condition known as AT. Again, my dad says: okay, whats wrong with my daughter? The Dr. says, sir I just told you. My dad says other then that she is healthy? Nothing wrong? No...she is very healthy, she will just lose all of her hair, and most likely never grow any. My dad says, well then I see no problem. God blessed us with a beautiful, healthy baby girl, and she is perfect!!!! From then on, I was raised in a loving, nourishing home. When I was old enough to understand, my dad looked at me, said you are so blessed, so many children, especially premie's are born with difficulties in there life, you my beautiful daughter, there is nothing you can't do. You could have been missing an arm or leg, or even worse, not having hair makes you unique, not challenged!
My parents decided to start me wearing wigs before I started school. Not because they were embarrassed, but because they knew how cruel the world could be, and not very accepting of what they didn't know. I had a very fullfilling life, I did everything every other child does in their life. I played sports, I swam, I had boyfriends, attended my proms, everything!
I even lost my wig on a roller coaster.......that had to be the funniest thing ever in my life...When we pulled back into the station after the ride, so many people looked at me, and had the look like: OMG, im not riding this, it scarred her so much she lost her hair.....It was hysterical!!! I laugh about it still today, 20 years later!!!
The first time I ever met anyone else with alopecia, was in high school. My high school sweethearts best friend also had AT. I was amazed, because I did feel so alone, like wow, i must be the only one, never had seen other kids like me. Anyhow, I married my high school love, had a beautiful son! Unfortunately that marriage didn't work out, but I was still so blessed.
I met my current husband! Such an amazing man!!! I have always had the fear of dating, the fear from my past experiences caused me to not date much. As soon as I would tell them I had alopecia...they couldn't find the door fast enough, the norm though, people are afraid of what they don't know. I was okay with it, not that it didn't hurt, and not that kids can be so cruel, and I did spend many nights "asking why me?" But I had a gorgeous son, and a handful of great friends, and a very supportive family. In the apartment complex where I lived, was this He was gorgeous! When we met, I kept my distance, and protected my heart as I had done so many times before. When I finally got the courage to tell him, his response was, I know, its about time you let me in. Long story short, we fell in love. Once we moved in together, he wanted to see me without my wig, I showed him, but couldn't look at him. He pulled my chin up, said "my god, your gorgeous", God made only but a few perfect heads, the rest he put hair on. I wept! That was the day, I completely and wholely fell in love with him. He wanted to be with the real me, and not an image of what my wig represented. We married, and had 2 more beautiful babies!
My life has been amazing. There are still times that I get tired of having to explain it, times that I get frustrated, etc. I switched to human hair wigs about 10 years ago, and thought it was the best thing I ever found. Coming to this site, I just realized there are so many other things I could do. I still don't have the courage to just go all natuaral. I do think its different for woman, then for men. The world is completely okay with a bald man, not so much of a bald woman. Don't get me wrong, I openly tell everyone, im okay with that, but I can't just go without hair right now. i used to tell myself it was because of my children, I didn't want them to have to deal with the mean kids saying things to them about their mom being different, but I realized it was my own insecurities.
I see all these adds for the Vacuum Prosthesis, but have not been able to locate anything for them in Ohio, so if anyone knows of anyplace, please let me know. I would love to give them a try.
Anyhow, I guess thats a lil', okay so maybe alot of my It always feels good to be able to write about it, and tell someone else!
This is an amazing so very glad i came accross it! Funny how everytime I have been online looking for the next wig to buy I never found this place til yesturday! Thanks so much to all that have been so welcoming, and left comments, you are all so wonderful!

Views: 2

Comment by Mari on January 29, 2009 at 1:01pm
Wow Theresa! That is inspirational to say the least. We are so lucky you are here. And I just know that many who are having trouble and down will be uplifted by your wonderful attitude, Thanks so much for sharing!
Comment by Cherylnz on January 29, 2009 at 1:58pm
Hi Theresa,
Wow, thankyou for sharing your story with us. The teenage/dating years sound so familiar and my husband (he lived in another town) who I met at 16 knew about my lack of hair before I had the chance to tell him.
You have a great attitude, very inspiring.
Comment by Dominique on January 30, 2009 at 12:01am
Hi Theresa,

Great story :) I know what you mean about never having had hair - I lost all of mine at a very young age, and I don't have any idea what it feels like to have hair. The first time I wore a wig it was such a weird experience - and then when they did the hair cut for it - bizzarre!

Anyways - welcome :) glad you found us.
Comment by JeffreySF on January 30, 2009 at 11:24am
Hi Resa,

Thanks for sharing so much of yourself with us.



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