  • 39, Female
  • Brisbane
  • Australia
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Dominique's Discussions

Travelling with Alopecia

Started this discussion. Last reply by Dominique Nov 2, 2010. 10 Replies

Stranger's positive comments

Started this discussion. Last reply by Reen Oct 9, 2008. 7 Replies

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About Me:
I've had Alopecia (somewhere between Universalis and Totalis) since I was 9 months old. For a brief period when I was 5 (about 1 month) I had hair again, and that was it.

Other than that - I'm an IT Software Engineer, I'm a twin (and no - she doesn't have alopecia - she has hair!!!) and I live and grew up in and around Brisbane.
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Alopecia universalis
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Dominique's Blog

Going around again

Posted on August 18, 2011 at 9:29pm 2 Comments

So, I haven't posted on here for a long while. I suppose I've been busy doing other things.

For about 1 year now I've been seeing a Psychologist. It started last year with a referral for a completely different problem (not alopecia) from my GP. The actual problem I went to her about, we only discussed twice. Since then it has been about a range of things - most commonly coming up being my ex boyfriend, alopecia and the two things relating to eachother.

Just to be clear,… Continue

My new hair, and Clinic Del Mondo

Posted on January 31, 2011 at 8:30am 4 Comments

This photo is of me wearing my "new hair". An awesome piece of new technology from an awesome man name Greg T Kirk who has teamed up with Clinic Del Mondo on the Gold Coast (QLD) to bring it to Australia. Essentially it's a thin membrane of some plastic substance, threaded with human hair, and glued to the scalp - lasting some 4-6 weeks. While Greg has worked with the technology for a few years in the States, it is completely new here.…


Interview on Hack

Posted on February 18, 2009 at 5:01pm 0 Comments

Hey All,

I recently did an interview for an Australian radio station Triple J about my experiences of having alopecia, and about choosing not to wear a wig.

You can listen to it (and see some photos) at:

Thought it'd be a great way to get some more exposure for the condition!



Response to Karen

Posted on November 5, 2008 at 4:09am 5 Comments

A week or so ago, Karen posted the following on my wall:


I have been reading your page for the past few months and have wanted to message you to ask a few questions. If you read my page you would see that I have a daughter who is turning five in three weeks and she has alopecia. She is now in the shedding phase and what will happen....who knows...

I have come to terms with the fact that she may have to live with this for the rest of her life and now I am… Continue

Down - but getting optimistic

Posted on July 4, 2008 at 8:13pm 1 Comment

So, I recently broke up with, for a second time, the man whom I thought was 'the one' - this time ... I completely blame myself. I won't go into details, but I acted atrociously and now follows the shame and the guilt that should.

Along with these feelings, of course, comes the kick you when you're down 'alopecia is a terrible thing to have' thoughts - you know - the feelings you get when you don't want to inflict your appearance on other people, and you can't seem to drag yourself… Continue

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At 4:19pm on November 9, 2010, Danielle said…
Oh Dom you're the best thank you!!! I started this Smoking Weed discussion and it's amazing how many people hve had regrowth afterwards - not everyone but a really decent number!! There wre a few people who were just trying to make t about I'm encouraging kids to try it, It all starts with pot then leads to blah blah bah it got really nasty and really really upset me!!! Can't stop thinking about it! Like I needed another reason to hate men! I've been thinking about your starkles brows had a look on their site but not listed might have to take a trip into the cit and check out. How much were they?
At 7:40pm on September 8, 2009, Tracy and Amanda said…
Hi Dominique,
How are you?
At 11:37pm on June 28, 2009, Izzy said…
Thanks for the support!!! that means the world to me!!! : )
At 1:11pm on April 3, 2009, Courtney said…
Dom!! Hi there stranger! Gareth and I are back in the USA and we have a baby daughter. I've missed seeing you, Angela and the others back in Brisbane so it was such a nice surprise to find you here. How are you doing? How is your mum? I hope everyone is well! Lots of love, Courtney
At 7:10am on November 6, 2008, Alison said…
dominique, heres a link to a book and the thing about twins
At 12:50am on October 29, 2008, Karen said…
Di Dominique,

Thanks for thr reply. I am looking forward to reading your advice.

At 11:56pm on October 23, 2008, Karen said…

I have been reading your page for the past few months and have wanted to message you to ask a few questions. If you read my page you would see that I have a daughter who is turning five in three weeks and she has alopecia. She is now in the shedding phase and what will happen....who knows...

I have come to terms with the fact that she may have to live with this for the rest of her life and now I am pretty much OK. I still have my days but on the most part, I am content.

What I am concern is the school matters and what would it be like for her when I am not around. I feel like you would be the perfect person to ask since you have grown up with this condition and have bloomed into a beautiful woman.

Was it hard for you? How did you deal with the issues (especially the teen years)? What about wigs? Were you bullied? Did your parents talk to the school about your condition? Did you go to a private or public school? Was it easy for you to make friends? I guess you would now what I am leaning towards. I really want to know firsthand what it may be like so that I can help her steer her life through it.

Any guidance from you will be worth more than money.

At 7:36pm on October 21, 2008, Matt said…
Yeah, looking younger really isn't all that bad. In many ways, I'm a late starter at this "life" thing, so being able to pass for someone younger is a real advantage. :)

I'm really tired of being carded at bars, though. :P
At 6:04pm on October 18, 2008, Karina Louise said…
Hi Dominique,

I think getting a Freedom wig was definitely the best solution for me. My first wig was synthetic and I found that very hot and the hair kept getting matted - not nice. The next wig I had was a human hair but obviously very processed hair because it tended to mat as well. My Freedom wig can be a little hot - I sweat a bit under the cap on hot days but if I have the hair up off my neck in a ponytail it's not unbearable. After all, on 30+ degree days, my own hair used to feel hot as well!

I find it very comfortable, it did feel a little weird at first but it didn't take that long to get used to it. Another thing that I had to get used to is getting it in the right place when you put it on. When I first got it, it would take me 3 or 4 tries to get it on right.

It definitely won't come off at the wrong moment - I've been swimming with it on (although I prefer to swim bald or in a bandana because the hair gets quite heavy when wet) and I've been on a 'slingshot' ride wearing it (where you get flung way up in the air & turn upside down etc.)

I can't think of anything else to tell you at the moment, but if you have anymore questions at all, I'd be only too happy to answer them.

I love my hair colour too! It's so close to what my own hair was. Funny to think that growing up, I didn't like my red hair and now when getting wigs, I won't settle for anything but red! I just don't look right any other colour.

At 8:01pm on October 14, 2008, Courtney said…
thx. and he did answer. hes still me fren. and idk if i could just bring it up if i wanted to. austin like told the whole school. hes an ass.


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