It's way past my 9-5 working person's bedtime, so this may or may not be coherent. I just feel compelled to throw it out there rather than keep it rolling around between my ears.
I have a job that's nowhere near anything I went to school for. I was lucky to get it right before the financial crisis, it's done a lot of great things for me, and it's stable, but it's not the kind of thing I see myself doing forever (though the fact I've stayed in it the better part of 10 years would suggest otherwise!). But there aren't that many options in my area.
I don't believe things happen to people for a reason. But I think you can GIVE MEANING to the things that happen to you. In my case, I've got this severe AA thing, which is kind of unique at least in my immediate environment, and it's something I'm very interested in and so know a lot about and like discussing... so from a practical standpoint it seems like my search for a professional focus could start there. But I'm not sure where to take it after that.
Long story short: Can my experience with and knowledge about AA somehow point me in the direction of a career I might actually love??
I hope you find what you're looking for. I got stonewalled when I tried to get information on how to become a wig stylist. No one answered my questions or even referred me to someone who could. I'm disabled so maybe they didn't think I could "cut it" in that profession (pun not intended but it was still a good one <grin>). I hope you find the information and encouragement I didn't.
God bless,
Just reading your post is inspirational. You have a great attitude. I believe you can GIVE meaning to things that happen to you . With your interest in research and desire to make a difference you will find a way ! Does your original education tie in to AU research or education, publishing, cosmetics, wigs or perhaps inspirational workshops in any way? I've learned a great deal about myself since this happened to me a bout 7 years ago. Am still adjusting but becoming less secretive and humiliated by my total hair loss. I gave myself time to adjust to the complete and rapid change in my appearance and thus self image. there are so many worse things for people to adjust to and I'm attempting to become the positive person I wished I was long ago. not a hero just yet lol. All the best to you !
What a fantastic question! That's the beauty of our career journeys - our career focus is impacted and influenced by how we change personally, how the world changes around us, our current life responsibilities, etc. I'm actually a career advisor so I have these types of conversations all the time. And it still gives me goosebumps because there are so many possibilities out for you and who knows how you will be able to change the world! What you have learned from your struggles with Alecopia can definitely be brought into a new career focus.
When you're on an exploration path, there's three things I recommend: research, experimentation, and talking to people. So first, it's doing some analysis to figure out job options, companies you are interested in, etc. Then it's looking for ways to test things out. How could you do something low-risk that would allow you to see if you're on the right track with your career change. And then talking to people to get real information is sooo important!
If you want to chat more, I'd love to support one of my fellow Alopecians. kristin@careerstory.ca (hope it's OK to leave my email address - I can't remember if this forum has rules about that or not.)
See you do have 'transferable skills! And the attitude to make it happen. I think partnering up with Kristin may just be the network link you are needing . All the very best. I think I'll be hearing about you one day soon! Oh ya today I had a henna cap done and love it so yhere's another alternative to a wig.
All the bestN:)
Have you ever thought about opening your own wig shop? I have been ordering online for 3 years now because we only have one shop in our area and it's awful. I have found that the best way to find the "right" wig is to try them on in person. Along our hair loss journey we learn so much about wigs that it's wonderful when we can share that knowledge and help others. I can think of so many top selling wigs right now to sell in a wig shop, I may open one myself someday!! I am also blessed to have a hair stylist that cuts my wigs and does an amazing job. Good luck in finding your passion!! Take care, Connie
It's never too late to start doing what you want to and what you're passionate about. As for me I like helping people and give pieces of advice, based on my own experience. if you have passion for writing you can always find a service where you can help people by providing papers for them. I know that edubirdie in Australia does such job and they are always looking for a professional writers. You can also start blogging, you can actually earn money by doing that.
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