Wow - This was hard and at the same time soothing. IT made me re-think of where I was and how I got to where I am now. ( yes- even made me re-think the bad times too)
My dates may still be fuzzy for I went thru several depressed states and try not to remember some things....

Bear with me --
Thought I would post it here as well as putting it with the VERY extensive paperwork for the MD. Anderson Research Center.


Born in 1966 and raised in the state of Mississippi, I am Female , 42 years old with 2 sons, 21 & 17 -- 1 grandson (4) and 1 daughter-in law (20).
At the age of 24 I began to color my hair from brown to blonde. It was after I became pregnant at age 25 with my second son, my hairdresser noticed a couple of small bald spots on my head. I decided to stop coloring and allow it to grow out while I was pregnant. I had long beautiful hair at the time and lost the lower back hair and on top of my head hair then.
The dermatologist said he could not do much until I delivered my son after March of 1991. In May of 1991 he began giving me shots in the bald spots. They eventually grew back. I divorced in 1993 due to emotional abuse as well as infidelity from my husband. The Alopecia had lain dormant until @ 1996 and it came back with frenzy. My youngest son was now Kindergarten age and I was having some personnel issues with dating, working full time and their father’s remarriage was tough on them. I went and had all types of tests run for I thought I was dying….. I have an underactive thyroid which I now take synthroid for everyday. When I was a child I battled with eczema as well. (I finally out grew it)
I had a biopsy done by my dermatologist and it came back Alopecia Areata. I took prednisone and all I did was gain weight as well as lost all my hair. I did take the Oxyoloren and do the PUVA treatments; however, the Oxoyolren became too expensive and my insurance would no longer cover it so I stopped these treatments. It would cost $ 80.00 for the pills and $ 25 a month for visits; therefore- more money spent and not many results, except a very dark tan. This cycle was off and on for about 2 years - Spots - no hair- two years of growing – stayed for about 2 more than the hair would fall out again. Spots – no hair – hair- spots -grew all back in. This has gone on for over 17 years now. I can’t tell you the emotional roller coaster ridethis has caused over the years for me. Not to mention the social sides effects when you are single, with 2 young children who are actively involved in school sports, work full time and try to date – mostly it was superficial men who can’t understand why you can’t tell them the reason you have no hair or have spots… I gave up when I was in my "bald cycle"- and just dated when I had hair and could cover the spots.

Finally in Feb. 2007 I re-married after 14 years of being a single mother. It is tough. My oldest son moved out, got married and became a father @ age 17. My younest graduates in 2009.
I just somehow believe STRESS is my real middle name. I have raised my children- 2 boys alone from 1993 until I remarried in 2007. Plus I have held a full time job semi- public oriented since 1995. Being a single mom was the only thing that kept me going even when I would get so depressed from the roller coaster cycle with the hair fallout and regrowth patterns, that I would want to hibernate and become a recluse.

I have learned to live with this disease; however, there are STILL days I get VERY tired of fighting it and all the things it entails. Alopecia of any kind changes people not only physically but also emotionally as well. I have changed so many times over the years I have had this that sometimes I think what can possibly be next!!! One has to re-learn so much when something dreadful attacks your being and you have no control over it! Having support groups has helped but it is still difficult looking in the mirror an wishing you had your old self back when you had no problems with your hair….

As of today, July 2008, I have maybe a handful of my real hair left that has begun to grow back but unevenly (posted pics) ; however in December 2007, I decided to stop the shots, lotions, potions and creams to see what will happen next for me and my own hair. So far the AA is only on my head - I still have thin eyebrows and lashes. Ah --I still have to shave my legs every other day. It would be nice if the hair on my head grew as the hair on my legs-- Go figure! I do wear a headbanded wig most all the time when I am out in public. At home it is do-rags and hats.
I have recently seen a rheumatologist; and have been diagnosed with another Autoimmune Disease RA - Rheumatoid Arthritis. In March of 2008, I begun taking Methotraxate for the RA with hopes it will stop the immune system from attacking my joints as well as my hair follicles.
I am hoping for Major good results!

Updated: Feb.2009-

- RESULTS- I now have hair with a few spots- eyebrows but Geesh- the STRESS has tripled and am fearful for the return of AA all over again........
After 2 years of remarriage - I am still unsure I made the right decision on that. I have been alone for so long that I think I prefer being alone to being married.Too much work involved when ther is another person to consider..... Even tho' it has not been easy for me, adjusting to living with another adult and adding his problems to my own as well as my youngest son about to graduate high school and LEAVE the nest, adjusting has not been easy and VERY stressful. I think I am just ready to be alone and to take another direction for my life. Turn- turn- turn. EMPTY NEST!!!!

Update: July 14, 2010.
I caught the man I married cheating on me with porn sites and adult web sites, not to mention former "x"buddies. I kicked him outta my house in March 2010. Divorce was final in May 2010. After some really rough months, I am now happily single and have even taken my maiden name back. I have started noticing a few spots once again and continue on the shots, rogain and Nixon treatments. Has to be somewhat stress related as well as the 2 year mark again. I just know that I feel so much better now than I did the 3 years we were married, at least for the last 2 when I began to notice he was up to his old tricks again!

Views: 40

Comment by Danielle on July 29, 2008 at 2:45am
I am hoping for major good results for you as well. At least we can take strength in each other. I bet you never would have thought that the history of your AA would be a source of strength for someone else.. thank you for sharing.
Comment by Mukti on November 18, 2008 at 6:06pm
Hi Billie,
Thank-you for sharing your story. I see similaries to what I went through as well. I also had eczema as a child, AA, and after I had my 2nd daughter I started with coin size hairloss! And then there was no looking back after that. I had symptoms of RA-- I had accupunture treatments and felt better...although I started to loss more hair and was totally bald within the year. I have no eyelashes or eyebrows now. I have noticed a few eyelashes have appeared now...and some patchy hair on my head! I don't know what is next...oh yes I do because about a month ago I was diagnosed with diabetes! So the doctors' visits start all over again! Just when I am in a good place with the alopecia --something else to live with. So goes the saying "Everything happens for a reason"!
Comment by Kim Culberson on March 1, 2009 at 9:46am
Hi everyone else has said....Thanks for sharing your story. Don't beat yourself up over the "stress" having and effect on you AA...I had a dermatologist tell me that stress doesn't cause hairloss, but hairloss causes stress...LOL.... If Stress was the cause, then there would be alot more bald people in the world. I am very much like you though...because I can't help but think that some our bodies react to different stressors, such as emotional, physical and psycological in different ways. I battled endometriosis for years, endured 7 years of fertility treatments including major surgeries and 6 IVF (resulting in one successful invitro pregnancy) and then a hysterectomy at age 37. Adoption of a 1yr old, then diagnosed with RA. All the while working as a paramedic (high stress job) and helping my husband (all marraiges have their ups and downs) run our potato farm. It makes you wonder if you led a dull uneventful life, would you still have AU? Personally I wouldn't change a thing. Hair is over rated. I am sure you wouldn't exchange the chance to be a mother for a full head of hair. LOL....maybe somedays we would...LOL... And I hear you about the "being alone" part. I love my husband, but there are times when we fight(not very often and usually over something stupid) that I think...I dont' want to do this anymore! Like last son had two hockey at 10am and one at 6pm in towns about hour away from each other and one hour from home...well after getting home at 10pm, I unloaded his hockey gear and found out that he had left his new $100 Sidney Crosby stick at the last arena...well my husband who is always with us, but had stayed home to watch our local Major Junior hockey team in their last home game totally spazzed out at me for not making sure he had his stick.....what a stupid thing the get so upset about....I didn't tell him that we were almost killed when a car ran a red light and I was able to swerve out of the way at the last second... I think that we alopecians have a better outlook on life because we have such a different view point.
I am actually at a very weird point right I mentioned to you before, I have been having hair growth since about October(I think from the methotrexate) and it isn't enough to feel comfortable without my wig (freedom Vaccum) but enough to make my wig not suction anymore. After being total AU for 7 years, I had finally accepted that that was me...a bald woman...which made me sort of unique. Now I am a woman with this ugly head of baby hair! LOL...How is yours coming? Does it ever become normal hair again? or does it stay this fine, whispy messy? Apart of me wants to shave and be my cool, smooth self again, but then a part of me is wanting my old self back.
sorry for to you soon


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