Still "wigging out" here in the south...... NOT

Still wearing the wig but ready after football season is over to go for the short look.
Methotraxate is helping with the RA as well as the Autoimmune AA. I have short black and gray hair all over my head now. Praise God! This is a pattern as I very well know. Every 2 years I experience a stressful period and it all comes out again.... But this time I am ok....

Hope all is well with each of you-- I still check in however daily I see the way things are happening in the world -- it is almost depressing so I just post when I feel ok and positive...

Update-NOvember 14, 08- The return of STRESS!!! & itching to find 3 dime sized spots in this grayish dark brown hair on my head... Ah the roller coaster begins again!!! LOL

Back to the dermotoligist for shots and then to the reumotoligist for ideas about uping the Methotraxate.

December 08- Football is over and I am free to ditch the wig..... See my new do in pictures of Wassillfest.....

Views: 7

Comment by rj, Co-founder on October 28, 2008 at 12:06pm
Hey, Billie. It's interesting that you mentioned that you're on methotrexate because here's someone asking for feedback on the treatment. Perhaps you can share your experience and insights


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