"Accepting the things that I cannot change"

When I first saw the first quarter size spot on my daughers head I went histerical. I did some research online and took her to the doctor. He told me not to worry about it and that he would do some tests to make sure it wasn't ring worm or some other type of bacteria. Well they told me that the lab test were negative for any virus or bacteria. The doctor then told me that she was healthy and that I did not need to worry about it. I had a breakdown just thinking how hard the situation would be on my daughter and saw my world crumbling down. I thought I couldn't handle this situation. I felt like someone had stabbed me in my heart because as a mother my children are my world. I felt weak-minded. I didn't know what to do.
But then things changed, with help and support from friends and family I realized that this is not a life or death situation and that my daughter was perfectly well and that I couldn't let something cosmetic get in the way of her happiness. I also realized that I am a very strong person and I have learned to accept this and make the best of the situation. Maybe my daughter will grow her hair back a year from now, maybe she will loose it all, maybe she will always have patches on her hair but guess what I am ready for any of these situations. I wanted to quit school and quit my job just to be with my daughter by her side. But like my friend told me "You have to be well educated and economically stable to be able to provide for your daughter and to be able to set the example that I have always wanted for my children. To be productive and to reach for your goals!! To not give up and quit on your goals. As she gets older I want her to be a positive individual and to have a good self-esteem and not care about the negative people around her. I don't know what will happen in the future only God knows that but I am going to accept all the things that I cannot change and stay positive. If life gives you lemos make some lemonade!!!!!!

Views: 2

Comment by Susan P aka DGADBS on June 11, 2010 at 12:50pm
Hey Marissa, your friend is right, you want your daughter to be well cared for by an educated, independent, strong, hardworking Mom and she will grow up with the same fine qualities as you. I grew up with this prayer:
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
And I'd like to add: it doesn't hurt to put some gin in that lemonade either.

Stay positive girl :)
Comment by Marissa L. on June 11, 2010 at 3:52pm
For Susan and Susan Peters: Thank you for you kind words!!! I really appreciate it and it does make a difference.


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