Ah, this emotional roller coaster! I have a question!

Hi all, I hope you are doing well..So I wanna give an uptake on my progress of my hair..My hair seems to be growing in in the spots that were bald and coalaced into one big spot due to the injections..Now it seems that since my hair is growing back I am getting new spots in the same area, but different spots..It also seems as though I have diffuse Alopecia on top of this AA..I am losing an enormous amount of hair and I am not sure where I am losing it from..Whether it be from the two bald spots I have left or just all around my whole head..My hair seems to have gotten so thin it is almost impossible to cover my remaining spots..I am also thinning towards the front and sides, assuming it is from diffuse alopecia..It also seems like since I have been struggling with this hairloss for seven months the hairloss seems like it is getting worse and hair is extremely thin..It seemed as though my hair was falling out diffusely less when I did not get the injections, but my bald spots were still bald, it almost seems like a lose lose situation..I am getting a little more with this condition, although still bothersome and depressing...I did truly feel and thought that things would slow down and hopefully reverse especially after seven months, but I am getting the feeling that it is not gonna be that way...I also see some of my regrowth falling out now as well and causing tiny tiny bald spots in areas where my hair grew back...My one question is, is it possible for all your hair to fall out given a year? Cause to me it seems that is what's happening to me, although no new bald spots aside from two small ones, I am still losing a substantial amount of hair..Also, Could I be losing hair from all over my head without actually having a new spot on top of the AA or is the diffusion from the spots that are already there and just spreading outward? I am at this point very confused.. Thank you so much in advance...

Views: 139

Comment by Tallgirl on March 15, 2011 at 6:52pm
Mine all fell out between a November and a June.
Comment by Trish on March 15, 2011 at 10:14pm
Hi Tallgirl, Did your hair fall out pretty much like a diffuse AA and how much hair were you losing a day? I am just curious..Did your hair start to just thin till eventually it all fell out?
Comment by Patricia on March 16, 2011 at 2:05am
I firstly had AA. Cortisone injections into the small spots they once were. And growth always On & off for 10 years. Then within i would say a matter of 7 months Completely gone. It would fall out in chunks. And i mean chunks. I would comb my fingers thru my hair and it would be everywhere, all over the floor, all over my clothes. It was like the hair wasnt even attached to my scalp. It was falling out so rapidly. 100s of hairs a day. SO no longer was it falling out in patches, but it was thinning throughout. Eyebrows and eylashes fell out just after, i would say within 2-3weeks. ANd body hair was falling out without me really noticing as i was more focused on the scalp loss to really worry about it. Until I went for some acupunture and he looked at my back and tummy and said ' you dont have any body hair' Then i freaked out.
Completely bald now, 15 months. I dont want to scare u into thinking yours will fall out like mine, just telling you my story. I wish u all the best :)
Comment by Trish on March 16, 2011 at 2:54am
Thank you Patricia...This is my very first bout with AA, I have never had any hairloss ever..I first saw a spot back in Sep which grew and merged into one big spot...I have been getting injections in my head and they are helping, but the spots just continue to spread outward or a new spot forms almost in the same spot the others were, and now think my regrowth is fallin out..Truthfully, I am not losing much hair a day, but my hair is significantly thinner than it has ever been and now getting oily and very knotty quicker so I dont know what to think anymore..
Comment by Pat Latina on March 16, 2011 at 6:02am
Isn't it funny how Alopecia is so unpredictable. I had just one tiny spot in the crown of my head when I was in my 20s. I never paid it any attention cause I use to think it was just the way my hair grew. So I would blow it out and always made sure that small spot was covered. Years went by got married and when I gave birth to my son (now 15) I noticed my hair was a different texture and the side of my hair was receding on the sides. So thinner and thinner and further back male-baldness(didn't know then it was called this, lol!). Went to the Derm and he confirmed Alopecia. Shots OUCH, Rogaine, Creams - I even used Topix to hide it. I remember thinking if I never would have noticed I was losing my hair I would still have it. lol!! I know that's not true, but it was what I thought. You know the minute you notice something, it gets worst. And it did. Finally had to cover it us with a topper, it worked but everytime I had the topper replaced it pulled hair out and my topper became a full-head topper (wig) glued and taped on my head. It worked for awhile, but then I notice body hair was gone. The worst was when I woke up one morning and notice I had no eyebrows. AU quickly came on the scene. Since then I've had my eyebrows tatooed and I wear a Freedom Wig which I love. But like I said in the beginning "Alopecia is unpredictable!" This is my story.
Comment by cindy Babs on March 16, 2011 at 9:23am
hi trish. you can have diffuse hair loss all over in addition to the formed spots. try not to despair. you may have regrowth one NEVER knows. just try to focus on accepting your situation now. the future is unpredictable with this condition. you are beautiful and strong. it will get bettter. :)
Comment by Mary on March 16, 2011 at 10:48am
Trish, I don't want to scare you, eithr. But I went through 7 years of small, wandering bald spots, with regrowth in the area of injections. Then it changed. What you describe is what began to happen to me 4 years ago. I progressed rapidly from spotty (hideable) AA to large bald areas, to AT (whole scalp bald) to AU entire body hairless, between around July 2007 and January 2008. You can see photos on my first photo page on my profile of the way it looked the night before I shaved it off in January 2008. By April 2008, I didn't have a single hair anywhere. Good luck, and just remember you're not alone. Also, please remember you will still be you if you ever do lose all your hair.
Comment by Trish on March 16, 2011 at 5:05pm
Thank you so much to all of you for your responses..
Comment by George Ortiz on March 16, 2011 at 6:19pm
not to scare you but you did ask, unfortunatly the answere is yes, you can lose all your hair within one year.I lost all my hair in about 1 month. In 2006 I started getting small ithing bald spots on my face after finding more on my scalp i went to a dermatalogist, I began aggressive cortisone shots directly to butox as per doctors decission ounce a month, after about 7 months about 95% of my hair was back, the day before my next scheduled shot, I developed literaly in one day a severe allergic reaction to the aggressive cortico cortisone shots i had been recieving , this is according to the doc. I developed a severe rash all over entire upper torso arms ect.. doc discontinued my shots abrubptely, and within 1 month all my hair fell out.. Personally if I were you I would start making drastic life changes,diet changes tons more sleep hot cold baths and never stress out do sensible things to shocked the body out of its current destructive pattern its on, also dont shave head , my AU seemed to get worse after shaving head bald or maybe thats when i gave up somewhat,I believe that AU is a bacterial or viral type infection my belief is based on a the marshal protocal studies google marshall protocol for more on those studies. Hope this helps you in some way.
Comment by Trish on March 16, 2011 at 6:50pm
Hi George, Thank you for your response I believe that Alopecia in itself aside from being due to chemotherapy or some other medical related issue it is due to a bacterial/ or viral infection..I had a severe infection in my mouth about 2 weeks prior to hair falling out..I now and since my hair started falling out had skin issues on the bottom of my feet, face, and that infection in my mouth so I feel the same way...I have had every test inder the sun and everything is negative no other auto immune disorders nor ever had skin issues...It is awfully weird that I still get the rash on my feet, but I also have hyperhydrosis so who knows if there is a correlation..Just curious, why do you think shaving made it worse and in what way?


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