Red bright, heat feeling on bald spots!

Hello My Alopecian friends...Well, it has been seven months that I have been diagnosed with AA and I am doing my absolute best to cope with this horrendous disease that has stolen all of my ambition, but it is getting better..I continue to get injections because the hair is growing back in most areas, but now it has come to a halt of growing back and some regrowth hair is now disappearing as well..Not sure if the reason my hair is not growing back in three spots is because the Derm decided to dilute my Kenalog or what..It is very upsetting to see that I am getting tiny spots in between my regrowth though..Anyway, My head where the bald spots are are burning and very hot to the touch, and they are also bright bright red..I have never had this before and I am unsure if this is normal..I am assuming my body is really attacking those areas severely..Can anyone please tell me if this is normal or common? And what has helped alleviate the burning and/or redness? Thank you so much

Views: 1222

Comment by R0BB on April 12, 2011 at 3:01pm
Hi Trish -
From my 30 yrs experience with AA heres my opinion. Keep in mind I am not a physician , and dont claim to be one on TV . lol

When My scalp is in the 'shedding' process .... as we know , our immune system attacks the healthy hair follicles and treat them as if they are a disease and begin to successfully kill them off which produces our hair loss.

Once this begins , my scalp does often show areas ( usually , bare spot areas) that become red in color , warm/hot to the touch
and itching and/or some burning. Its been my mindset that the redness and hot areas in my case are a result of the activity of
my immune system killing hair follicles.

I wish you luck with your injections , personally Ive decided not to partake in any remedies to treat my AA.
It is my opinion that injections and Rogaine do indeed work to regrow hair but unfortunately, unless our Alopecia affliction
is in its 'dormant' stage , the regrowth from these procedures may very well be attacked by the same hair killing immune
system within our bodies.
And , theres no TRUE way of knowing if and when our alopecia will be in its dormant stage , If we did then we could plan some
Rogaine and injection treatments around these dormant cycles and enjoy some self inflicted hair cuts for a change !

I realize thats a hard pill to swallow and please understand that your situation could very well be different than mine and
power to you for whatever treatment methods you decide.

I wish you well and get back to me if you ever have any more questions , Id be glad to help.

- R0BB
Comment by Trish on April 12, 2011 at 3:16pm
Hi Robb, Thank you so much for your feedback..I also agree with you 100%, but I thought I would try something instead of nothing I guess first time around...I just never had the redness as red or the hot to the touch, its very weird, but I also assumed it was just severely being attacked...I so long for the dormant stage for all of us...:)
Comment by Trish on April 12, 2011 at 7:32pm
Hi Paul,

How are you? Thanks for your post..That is what I assumed, but its beyond bad at this point it actually hurts so bad I can't even touch it..Hope all is well...:)


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