Update on my progress. Things do get better. Graduation!

I hope everyone is ready for summer fun..lol..I have been concentrating on school and not so much worrying about my hair because truth is I can't change it..It has been seven months from the day I discovered my bald spot and life has changed because of this AA. I have become a better person, more understanding, and compassionate, especially in my nursing practice..So, I graduated and I am just waiting on taking the state boards and am very excited..I remember when this first happen it stole my ambition, drive, and motivation and I wanted to quit and give up, but I thank all of you for the support that you have given me to keep going...AW has shown me regardless of hair or not, not to give up on my dreams, and boy am I glad to have found this site and all you wonderful people to help me through the roughest time in my life.. I hope you are all doing well..Xoxo

I am attaching my progress pics to hopefully give some hope to those who are still on this emotional roller coaster..Wishing I can be a hair fairy and give you all your hair back..xo

From this

To this-

Views: 46

Comment by Norm on May 17, 2011 at 12:51pm
Hiya Trish, glad you're feeling better about things. But I hope you don't mind me saying that in that first pic, it seems you were suffering from Minnie Mouse Pattern Baldness.... it's very rare, and if you're lucky you won't develop the squeaky voice that often goes with it. But as they say, it Disnae matter now :)
Comment by Trish on May 17, 2011 at 1:37pm
Hi Norm, Thank you so much...Lmao, it does seem as though I was suffering from Minnie Mouse pattern baldness doesn't it..My niece is actually the one that pointed that out to me, she says." Aunt Patsy, don't be mad at me, but your head looks like Minnie Mouse..", I couldn't help but laugh...Hopefully, I do not get the squeaky voice that would just be very strange..Lol..Hope your doing well also Norm...:)
Comment by Trish on May 17, 2011 at 5:21pm
Paul, Thank you so so much...You were part of that strength and determination..I truly appreciate you and everyone else on AW that was on this journey with me...How are you doing? I hope you are doing very well...The baby looks gorgeous in your default pic..She looks so big..:)
Comment by Devin on May 17, 2011 at 8:25pm
Hi Trish, That’s so funny what Norm said I thought the same thing the first time I saw your pic but I was afraid I might hurt your feelings. I’m so glad to hear about your regrowth it couldn’t have happened to nicer person, congratulations and I hope it never falls out again!!!
Comment by Trish on May 18, 2011 at 12:29am
Thank you Leonore!!!

Devin, It would have been ok if you said that to me lol..It is and was the truth..Thank you so much Devin..Hope your doing well..:)

Paul, you are very welcome...I know you are, you are a very strong individual..Thank you..You stay strong as well..:)
Comment by Norm on May 18, 2011 at 4:00am
Hey Devin - thought the same thing, that I might upset Trish - but then I thought, hey, she's miiiiles away from me, what's she gonna do? :)

Trish, dunno if you know, but peeps who've had MMPB often progress to DDPB - that's Donald Duck Pattern Baldness. And if it takes the voice with it, well, you're really screwed!
Good job you didn't get the Bugs Bunny pattern, cos you'd end up with big front teeth and a craving for carrots, as well as an annoying habit of calling everybody "Doc".... but once you've started with one cartoon studio, it's unlikely you'll cross over to another ;)
Comment by Trish on May 18, 2011 at 3:05pm
Hey Norm, I would track you down and kick your butt!!! Lol Just kidding..Thank goodness it doesn't cross over huh..lol
Comment by Melissa on May 22, 2011 at 8:40am
Just wondering if you did anything to get the regrowth?? Any new topical products or a change in diet?
Comment by Trish on May 22, 2011 at 2:18pm
Hi Melissa, I used topical products when it first started, but it did nothing for me..As a matter of fact, it made it worse..I did not do anything new with my diet either..All I do is get injections once a month...:)
Comment by Diana Carter on June 2, 2011 at 10:23pm
Lookin' good Trish!! I am so proud of you on your graduation. I truly admire you! So many times in life I just give up...but not you..you keep on truckin' and I am proud to call you my friend! Love ya bunches!


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