Ah, this emotional roller coaster! I have a question!

Hi all, I hope you are doing well..So I wanna give an uptake on my progress of my hair..My hair seems to be growing in in the spots that were bald and coalaced into one big spot due to the injections..Now it seems that since my hair is growing back I am getting new spots in the same area, but different spots..It also seems as though I have diffuse Alopecia on top of this AA..I am losing an enormous amount of hair and I am not sure where I am losing it from..Whether it be from the two bald spots I have left or just all around my whole head..My hair seems to have gotten so thin it is almost impossible to cover my remaining spots..I am also thinning towards the front and sides, assuming it is from diffuse alopecia..It also seems like since I have been struggling with this hairloss for seven months the hairloss seems like it is getting worse and hair is extremely thin..It seemed as though my hair was falling out diffusely less when I did not get the injections, but my bald spots were still bald, it almost seems like a lose lose situation..I am getting a little more with this condition, although still bothersome and depressing...I did truly feel and thought that things would slow down and hopefully reverse especially after seven months, but I am getting the feeling that it is not gonna be that way...I also see some of my regrowth falling out now as well and causing tiny tiny bald spots in areas where my hair grew back...My one question is, is it possible for all your hair to fall out given a year? Cause to me it seems that is what's happening to me, although no new bald spots aside from two small ones, I am still losing a substantial amount of hair..Also, Could I be losing hair from all over my head without actually having a new spot on top of the AA or is the diffusion from the spots that are already there and just spreading outward? I am at this point very confused.. Thank you so much in advance...

Views: 128

Comment by manuel j. torres on March 17, 2011 at 3:15am
hopefully this gives you some type of hope. my best friend (female) had aa about 5 years ago and showed me her bald patches on her head and they were growing rapidly every week. she started going to see her doctor which started treating her with cortisone shots every week for a month and every two weeks after it completely grew hair back. till this date no signs of patches anywhere. that was the first time i ever seen or hear about aa. i then developed it about three years now and I'm still fighting it. i do believe that the doctors are so concerned about the side affects (rightfully so) of the cortisone that by the time they decide to go fully with the treatment is too late. the reason why new patches are forming else where is because the treatment is working. is like the aa is runing away from it sort of speak.
Comment by Michelle on March 17, 2011 at 9:55am
Trish, It is an emotional roller coaster, isn't it? The thing about alopecia is that it is so unpredictable, and that can be so frustrating. My AA started over a year ago (Dec. 2009/Jan. 2010). Last summer, my hair was thinning all over, and I had a large bald spot. Then, it seemed to improve some. By November, I had lots of new spots, however they were much smaller than the initial spot. Plus, the first spot was growing back in. And now, I don't seem to be losing as much hair and I think it might possibly be thicker than it's been in over a year. When, it was at it's worst, I was starting to panic. I did buy a couple of head coverings. This was a comfort to me, that if I lost it all or most of it, I had something cute to put on my head. Nothing is wrong with the bald look-nothing at all! I just wasn't feeling that brave and having these in the house, made me feel like I had some control in all of this. I hope this helps! Take care!
Comment by Clara S. on March 17, 2011 at 5:49pm
Hey Trish, when I finally went to see a dermatologist for my AA, I got those injections too in my spots. It filled in but then it started falling in other places too and creating bald spots elsewhere. After a while it felt like I was playing a chasing game with my scalp and the injections. This was all within 8 mths before I stopped the jabs because when I moved to Singapore, the doctor here recommended DCP instead, which did nothing for me and my hair loss just got worse and finally he put me on oral steroids which caused all my hair to grow back in but when I was weaned off, I lost it all again! So, like the above, not trying to scare you because I know everyone has different experiences but that has been mine. All of this happen in a span of just just a year. Although I have had one or two bald spots that always grew back for the last 10 years...just progressively worse towards the 8th year or so..
Comment by Clara S. on March 17, 2011 at 5:59pm
Trish, I myself lost all of my hair very quickly less than a year if you count the time from having some hair to none at all. I've had a bald spot or two for the last ten years or so but only got help about two years back, which started with injections. After a while, it felt like a game of chasing those spots, as the injections would fill out some spots but then new ones grew back elsewhere. However I remember feeling at one point that it was working. Then I moved to Singapore, changed doctors and this one recommended DCP, stopped my injections and then within 3-4 months, I lost EVEN more hair to the point where I had just HUGE patches on my scalp. And then it got so bad, he put me on Oral steroids to combat it. That worked up to a point, when I weaned off it, I had a full head of hair growing back but then I lost it all again so it was frustrating but at that point, I realised that I didn't care for treatment anymore. Anyways, like all is saying above, not trying to scare you but that's been my experience. I know some folks get good results and it stays that way but not for me.


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