About a year ago I'd say, I decided to finally do what I've always wanted to do. I was getting myself in shape, running for miles, eating healthy, taking the right college courses. On the ball, no I was THE BALL. So, me and my friend we're going to do it, we had waited till the next class came around to take it together.

It's a big commitment and I was ready. Oh hell yea I was ready, I couldn't wait for the discipline to come down and smack me hard across the face and get me in to top shape! It was almost a little over 6,345 dollars, I slaved (yes I mean slaved not saved), I earned it. I got that money saved up plus more because I knew I would have to buy the uniform and other things, still to this day I have no idea how I got that much money saved up when I was like 21, 22 years old.

So, my friend had dropped out at the last minute, she was chicken shit. The ride up to the campus was only about 20 minutes, but wow, it felt like it took hours. I find it, there it is... I'm ready.

I was signing up for the Police Academy. I had a goal, my family for once was supportive and proud, my friends could really see me in that field, but more than anything that's what I wanted. I've wanted to become a Police Officer since I was little. When I was about 6, teachers you know would ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up, back then I had a speech problem and couldn't say "R"s and so I would smile and yell out "A police Guuuuullll"

And today was that day. I had nice clothes on, I had my folder ready. I memorized police codes, I knew that P.E. you had to run so many miles in so many minutes, I had to lift a certain amount of weights so fast, so far, I knew it all.

I get up to the counter and tell the woman that I would like the applications to becoming an officer of the law. She smiles and hands me the papers. She tells me when registration begins, when to pay tuition, when to go where, and finally she asks about my health.

I told her I have asthma but I've played many sports when I was young, soccer, softball, volleyball, tennis, and basketball. Then she looks at my head, and asks politely if I shaved my head, I said "yes ma'am, technically I did but I have Alopecia."

And then this right here folks, this is when my life dropped out. This is what set me off, this moment right here. To this day it eats me from the inside out. I walked around for weeks maybe even months in a daze. It was taken away from me with a snap of a finger.

I remember when I got home that day, I had a mission to destroy myself. I drank till I could no longer taste anything, I smoked too packs of cigarettes in one night, I got into fist fights that night, I got thrown out of a bar, I wanted to destroy everything, I punched a hole in my wall, I broke a knuckle on each hand, drunk out of my mind I screamed at my friend to punch me in the face, they were drunk too and decided to go along with it, I kicked in my bedroom door and broke it off the hinges, my parents threw me out of the house, I passed out on a park bench that night. (It sounds like I remember all that, I don't, I woke up a broken person literally, physically, mentally broken. I had blacked out and my friends and family told me what happened.)


So, the lady looks at me confused. "I'm sorry miss what is Alopecia?" I told her what it was and at the end of it there was a long pause.

"I'm so sorry, but they will not accept you into the program, no natural or unnatural diseases. I'm so sorry, I really am, I am so sorry, it says it on our website, our hand out manual, and on medical papers. I feel so bad, I'm so sorry."


I beg the lady, no no no you don't understand it just basically makes me loose all my hair nothing else. You know what we don't even have to mention this is the medical files. Come on lady you don't understand, this is where I was supposed to go, this is what I am supposed to do with my life. You don't understand please I am begging you, I am, please, you have to let me in, you don't understand how much this means to me in my life.

Recalling this memory.... brings back a lot of feelings, I am crying now but I will go on, because shit that happens to you in your life and the way your respond to it defines who you are.

So, on with the story.

I remember driving home screaming out my window. Not the "Oh why God is this happening?" I wasn't in the state of mind for asking for help or strength or anything, I had completely snapped. My scream was a roar of blind rage. I wanted to burn the place down, I wanted to hurt as many people as I could as well as myself.

Alopecia, Asthma, and other medical problems had screwed me over. She seemed completely fine with the other medical problems but as soon as Alopecia was mentioned she had then made up her mind it seemed.

I should have followed her home, waited till she fell asleep and then cut off all her hair.

Thanks Alopecia, you got me good this time, you got me. And you still get to me everyday I wake. Every breath I take. You never make me feel anything positive. If anything you make me feel weak, a freak, ugly, you make me want to destroy myself. Yep. Alopecia got me good. I hate you with every passion I have, every fiber in my body, I want my life back. I want my hair back. I want my confidence back. I want happiness again.

People say they have come to love their baldness or similar things like that. I envy them, I do.

This blog has actually made me physically tired. I am sorry I am such a debbi downer.

Peace and Chicken grease, hallelujah holla back.


Views: 8

Comment by Leanne Sam on February 6, 2010 at 8:51pm
OMG, girl you need to fight this! That is bull S***! Discrimination!! You go get a clearence medical certificate to make it clear that Alopecial is not going to effect your ability to be a cop! You follow your dream and don't let them hold you back. I'd call the newspapers if I was you make a stink, but first talk to someone in a higher position than the clerk. Record your conversations as well, then if they don't accept you raise a little hell. But you might want to get a handle on that angry.
Good luck and let me know how things go.
Comment by Kathleen on February 6, 2010 at 10:40pm
"Thanks Alopecia, you got me good this time, you got me. And you still get to me everyday I wake. Every breath I take. You never make me feel anything positive. If anything you make me feel weak, a freak, ugly, you make me want to destroy myself. Yep. Alopecia got me good. I hate you with every passion I have, every fiber in my body, I want my life back. I want my hair back. I want my confidence back. I want happiness again."
You just got every feeling that I have been trying to express for the last 7 years. I know I should be supportive and say positive things.....your words really hit home....and I am so sorry that you are going through this......
Comment by Allison Miller on February 6, 2010 at 10:49pm
So can you be an officer if you have male patterned baldness, or for psorosis? That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard!!!! There are proffesional athleates with Alopecia and Olympic swimmers! It would have no effect whatsoever on your job and that is discrimination!! I would contact the NAAF and ask them if this is legal... I would also contact a local polition, the news, everyone!!! You got a big lawsuit on your hands that was just some ignorant person who had no idea what they were talking about! You can fight this!!! Let me know what happens I am rooting for you!!!
Comment by Lee on February 7, 2010 at 1:53pm
Thats BULL!!!!! I know youre probably fuming right now, but theres gotta be someone to talk to about it, get a Dr. note saying it doesn't effect you physically.Fight it!!! I have asthma and alopecia too....and if they should be concerned with either, it should be the asthma! Idiots!
Comment by Tiffany P on February 7, 2010 at 5:03pm
Hello hun i am sorry you are feeling bad about this but i see too many bald cops to believe that your cant become one because of your lack of hair. i know how it feels to be let down because of something i cant control and i have found a way around it and going to do what i want to do and dare someone to stop me. Dont let some desk jockey tell you something and take it as law because she could have mis understood what it really means, go to the poeple who know whats going on like human resources and call up academies. and like others said if you need to print out the whole darn article on alopecia and send it to them then so be it but dont let them stop you. i'll talk to you soon dear bye.
Comment by Georgie on February 8, 2010 at 8:12pm
FIGHT THIS! FIGHT THIS! FIGHT THIS! Loss of hair does not interfere with Police Officer duties!!
Comment by Allison Miller on February 9, 2010 at 4:43pm
So...I mentioned this situation to my American Government professor, no names were used of course. He basically started to giggle and said that this is a huge law suit and that you are protected under the ADA and this is blatent discrimination. Call a lawyer...and good luck!
Comment by Lee on February 9, 2010 at 9:39pm
yea...I agree with Allison...the more I think about this, the more I realize that lady probably had no clue what she was talking about. This is just a bump in the rd for you, thats all. One of my good friends wanted to be a cop for years...she went to the agility test to get ito the academy, and broke her knee cap, I beleive. Either way, they told her she can't be a cop now because you can't have metal in your body. She had metal screws in her knee because of it. WELL, whes an investigator now, making a crapload more than she would of as NYPD. So, maybe this is a blessing. Mat be another job thats better for you. Try looking into Border Patrol. Let us know how you make out!


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