Alopecia makes me feel sooooooo bad

Need help friends who can share there experience with alopiciae... I'm soooo tired:()(
I don't feel confedance any more.. :(((

Views: 66

Comment by pablonitro on May 4, 2015 at 1:22pm

i recently got alopecia areata & it happened rapidly ,no one can tell me why ,i find myself ducking out of social situations & wearing all sorts of hats ,i feel like im in disguise !! i decided to close shave my haie & what was left of my beard but i have to do it everyday which is a pain in the arse . but i am cming to terms with it but i have an idea what might be causing it 

can i help you talk in anyway?

Comment by Hopeful1 on September 29, 2015 at 12:46am

I have had alopecia for over 20 years.  You have good days and bad days.  First, Prayer is powerful.  I ask for strength to deal with life and people.  Surrounding yourself with positive people helps.  You can reach a point where you say I have no control over what is happening and accept it but all it takes is one negative person or situation that can set you back.   I find that this site is a good place to reset if you need to. We are all going through this Challenge in our lives. Just talking with a fellow Alopecian helps.



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