It's been 3 years and 6 months. Unemployment came and went. I had to file for bankruptcy, no money in means no money to go out; no choice in the matter. Difficult to maintain a home with one income where it needs two. I had to give my car back. I managed. I survived because I'm married and my husband works. We cut back as far as possible, even moved into a lesser rent apartment. We were lucky the complex we live in worked with us. While my husband was good with everything we had our moments. My not having any income was trying. At one point I thought we might be headed for divorce. Let's top it off with my losing my hair.

Losing my hair made job hunting more difficult as I am comfortable with my baldness, but I realize corporate America has issues with my alopecia, so I have taken to wearing a wig to interviews. I recently did not get hired for a job that my recruiter was positive I would get. The only reason I believe I didn't get it was my baldness. Well, bottom line, I need an income, so I'll do what I have to do.

Having said this I'm glad to announce I am once again employed. I will work in IT where I've worked. I will wear my wig until my probationary period is up and then tell my immediate supervisor about my condition. I suspect they will already know, given employers now Google prospective employees and I have to have a medical exam by their doctors.

This economy is difficult. For all of you out there who have been laid off, don't give up hope.

Views: 90

Comment by Tallgirl on February 13, 2012 at 7:26am

I am so glad you will be able to work! I am going back to an old seasonal educatonal test scoring job March-May...but with wig on as I did before (2002-2007). Sometimes we just need to get SOMETHING on that resume to account for our time. Good luck!

Comment by Lili Añel (aka Eulalia) on February 13, 2012 at 10:06am

Thank you. I'm glad to be working and will be more glad when I can show myself, be myself with my alopecia. Its important that I can eventually still be myself.


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