Well, I went back and got my official diagnosis after extensive testing. I mean extensive! I had 15 vials of blood drawn. Because he was confident what he would see, he started me on treatment a month ago. I am on Plaquinel (a quinine based anti-malarial) and Neurontin (an anti-seizure) to treat the symptoms of Lupus. It's not an exact science...there's a lot of trial involved in regulating medications.

I've been dealing with Pleurisy, an inflammation in the Lungs which can cause great fun when doing unnecessary things...like breathing. Also there's pretty significant pain in my right side below my ribs so coughing, sneezing, hiccupping, burping, yawning and laughing can hurt. All this in addition to the arthritic type symptoms.

On the plus side, he is confident that once the plaquinel is really controlling the disease my hair will return. My mother is encouraging me to sheer it very short (less than 1 inch) so when it comes back it will do so more uniformly. I'm hesitant because I have so little hair and frankly...it's cold outside.

So I got the diagnosis I was prepared for...now it's learning to live with it. I hope for a remission.

Views: 40

Comment by Joy on December 29, 2009 at 6:59pm
I wish you the best. Lupus..like alot of auti-immune disorders is hard to deal with and I hope you can get your medication right fast so you can breathe better and have less pain. It would be wonderful to get your hair back too!! Keep shining like you always do!
Comment by Georgie on December 29, 2009 at 7:23pm
Wow. Lots of people needs hugs today.

Here are some hugs for you: {{{HUGS}}}} ;)
Comment by Alison on January 1, 2010 at 10:28pm
wow i hope for remission for you. i have lupus, but it was just by testing my ana that they found out. i only have a lil arthritis. best of luck with the treatment!


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