I am haveing a hard time dealing with the fact that I dont have any hair. I graudated high school last year and yea.... High school was really hard. I have had alopecia since I was in the 2nd grade but it never really bothered me being bald until I hit high school. People were really mean to me and I didnt understand why cause it wasnt my fault. People would walk past me and say stay away from the girl with the disease and I would just go home and cry everyday!!! I had to wear hats to school cause I couldn't afford to have wigs at that time and well one day I was walking down the hallway with my brother and this boy snatched my hat off and wouldn't give it back to me because he said it wasnt fair I got to wear hats. People laughed and said what do you have ..... my Brother Put my jacket over my head and I just collesped to the ground and just cried my eyes out. The teacher were not nice to me at all they said u need to get up and go to class so I went to the bathroom with my friends and called my mom and dad crying and told them what had just happened to me .... They got to the school in there pjs and wrapped there arms around me and said baby its ok now!!!!! That is something I will never get over and I wish I could go to high schools and tell my story that way it wouldn't happen to another person!!!

Views: 1

Comment by Roger on June 5, 2009 at 8:24am

I read your story. Sorry to hear about your school years. There will always be bad people everwhere. But I know you will love it here. Share stories and ideas with each other =)=)=)
Comment by Izzy on June 5, 2009 at 8:29am
thanks so much for the support!!!
Comment by Roslyn on June 5, 2009 at 8:51pm
Kids can be so mean. Your idea is great, spread the word because you know there are other teens going through the same thing or some other serious situation. And understanding word from a peer could make all the difference in their life.
Comment by Tallgirl on June 5, 2009 at 9:52pm
I never told anyone in high school, and just wore wigs. But I also wasn't as much of interest to others as you. If you are worth paying attention to, then turn it around on them and be the girl with the bold, beautiful changes and hot outfits. If you do it the last day of school, they will have to wait all summer to see what you do in the fall. Thrift stores can have some cool finds, so just go to a few and get creative. I used art talent to "wow" people...and I even got a pin for my grad cap from the French Club for painting Notre Dame Cathedral on the windows for their big dance for them. I also got many points in the drama club for posters, programs and scenery over the years, so I got to go to all the cast parties (actors, artists and musicians are cah-ray-zee!!!). You just need to find your true kind of people, hang with them, and then develop a group to like you for you. It is do-able. You have a wonderful family, by the way. My sisters were never there for ME like that with my alopecia!


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