Today was I really great hair day. Otherwise not so good.

Came to school where I have work-practice on the schools TV-station. All the editing rooms were taken, the girl who is suppose to help me with the things we filmed didn’t want to and I had a Italian test that went really bad. Nothing was going smoothly and in the middle of it I started to think back to high school and probably one of the worst things that happened there. And I feel I have to get it out because I've never really told anyone about it.

I was going with my friend to get lunch at the cafeteria. To get there we have to take the stairs down. In a bench above the stairs sat two girls who clearly wanted to make my life a little more hell. Suddenly a guy who I was best friends with as young came up behind and pulled in my wig. In those days I was always expecting things like that to happen so I put my hand on the head and nothing really happened. Except that the two on the bench on top of the stairs started laughing and found the whole thing really amusing. I didn't. Neither did the guy who clearly had been "made to do it" by the bench-girls. He looked terrified when I looked back at him.

Of course the crying started downstairs and the guy later came to apologize. Bench-girl 1 and 2 stood outside the library were I sat with a friend when my former childhood friend came with his apologue. He was so sorry and I think he really meant it, though bench-girls still seemed to find it very amusing since they stood guffawing at me.

How can people be so evil? What were they thinking? I had nothing to do with them; I had never, EVER said anything about them or been mean towards them.

I felt really awful and started to think about them and had to lock up inside the bathroom because I started crying. Stupid, evil bench-girls. Haven't given them a single thought since high school graduation and now they come strolling right back into my mind.

Views: 10

Comment by Nants the Rebellion Dog on January 30, 2009 at 11:33pm
We all have some Bench Girls in our histories. As I used to tell my daughter when one girl at her school was making her life hell, think how empty the Bench Girls' lives are that they have nothing better to do than cause unhappiness. With every word, thought or action, we have the choice to add light to the world or darkness. I have taken the star as my personal symbol to remind me to always choose the light. Years later, you wouldn't let them stay in your home, so don't let them live in your mind rent-free! May you be blessed with compassion for their shallow stupidity, and resolve never to inflict the same black hole onto anyone else's heart.
Comment by Jill on February 1, 2009 at 11:32am
If someone is wearing a wig it must be for a reason. I will never understand how someone's hair falling out is funny. I think people like that must have something wrong with them mentally.
Comment by Jill on February 1, 2009 at 11:38am
Also... I hate how those experiences never leave your mind. My best friends boyfriend, soon to be husband now, made a rude comment about me in my presence about six years ago and I still think about it.


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