Been awhile since I blogged, mainly as I have not really had any issues with Alopecia which I guess is a good thing. I can't actually believe in fact time has gone so fast. That is was Oct that I put on the blog about testing vitamins which I am not sure made any difference at all... But I did give up on them after one batch. I think taking a pill every day is just not my thing. I do still have a packet mind, which I pop one every so often when I think to myself it won't do me any harm for a mini boost.
I keep thinking as well, I am still to go the doctor to get referred to the hospital. This will only be so that the NHS can pay part towards my new wig, but I feel it will be the most pointless trip to hospital, for them to tell me the same things they told me 10 years ago, (there maybe a cure in 10 years time or so, but for now nothing can be done) etc... I think my main fear is going for yet more blood tests, which will come back negative, so they will do more... What are they even testing for, in case by some off chance that they may find that in fact it is something else causing my hair to fall out??? Last time I refused the tests, they refused the wig. This time I think I will be stronger and say fine then and walk away...
I think though the main reason I am here is my wig blew off the other day, the first time this wig has ever blew off, it always seemed such a good fit, so good I never even put a hat on in the windy weather, now I think I will be too scared to go without a hat any more. Which is a shame as I am not sure they even suit me. :) But hopefully just adjusting the straps will keep it in place (made it tighter) but I guess it maybe coming up to that time of year again where I pick out a new one... Anyone who reads any of my old blog posts will see how much of a nightmare this is for me lol

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