Well tonight I took the plunge and grab the clippers. After my mom and I went wig shopping and wearing it all day, I got home and took it off and looked in the mirror and decided enough is enough. I cant continue to see myself in a negative light. So when I went to the barn to do the night feed for the horses, I grabbed the clippers. I was shocked to see how much hair I actually have lost from the alopecia and it definitely brought to light how much I was hurting myself by trying desperately to hold on to the little hair I had left. Im celebrating and/or mourning just a bit with a glass of wine right now. I think Im still in abit of shock. I cant stop running my hands over my head. LOL

Views: 7

Comment by Mary on September 4, 2010 at 5:29pm
Yeah!!!! Good for you! Doesn't it feel great? Don't you feel in control and comfortable? I know I did. Congratulations.
Comment by Bald and Fabulous AKA Terri on September 5, 2010 at 7:05am
Thank you all. If it wasnt for this site and hearing all your wonderful stories I dont know if I would have made such a brave step. I feel that I have taken control of something that was taking control of not only my body but my mind. You all such beautiful courageous wonderful people.
Like you Emma, I do wish that I had my eyelashes back but I do enjoy not having to shave or wax anything LOL
Thank you again
Comment by Mjay on September 6, 2010 at 3:08am
Yay youre awesome babe. I remember the first time i shaved my head i freaked out and i couldnt stop touching my head either !!! You will get used to it, promise ! and you may even learn to like it as i have ! Stay strong babe !


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