Well its been a full week since the BIG Day. The day I shaved my head September 3. I must admit I never did feel the overwhelming sense of freedom that I heard about. The first couple of days I was still in shock but now I have a sense of comfort. I am comfortable wearing my wig, comfortable wearing scarfs and comfortable wearing nothing at all. Although I must admit I havent yet gone out in full public without something on my head yet. But I did sit getting my tatt done on the back of my neck without something on my head. AND walked out. The artist was not only talented but totally understanding, inquisitive, and cool. He even mentioned getting a head tatt next, LOL. One of the awesome things that has happened recently was at work. I was able to convince some of the guys there to shave their heads for me, including my boss. One of the ladies came in with her clippers and did the guys right there in the lunchroom, she even cleaned up my own shave job that I did on me. Some of the ladies at work even pitched in some money to help in a purchase of a second wig. Its great knowing that I have the support at home and at work. Yes there is still those at work especially, that seem to think themselves special by talking behind my back. But I ignore them and remind myself that their lives must be pretty dull if they have nothing else to talk about.
I talked to my doctor and told him that I wished to take a break from all the treatments and he was cool about that. He said that anytime I wish to come back in either for a check up or to start treatments again it was no problem. There is truely some wonderful people out there and Im glad that I can call some of them friends.
I can finally look in the mirror and see what others tell me, I am beautiful, I am brave and have more strength than I thought I had. Its taken awhile but I am taking it one day at a time. And today I am FABULOUS.

Views: 6

Comment by Mary on September 11, 2010 at 4:02pm
It only gets better! You're doing great and have a wonderful attitude. We ARE fabulous!
Comment by Sonya M. on September 12, 2010 at 10:03am
You know what? We ARE ALL FABULOUS!! I know that God only choses the strong ones to deal with this. I look at myself in the mirror as well, and I see a strong woman with tons of blessings in my life! I am proud of you for shaving it all off. I did the same thing and it is a true release!! Who cares?? Hair is just an accessory!! :)
Comment by Rebecca Strobel on September 12, 2010 at 11:08am
Those who are talking behind your back? I bet they are telling each other that they are amazed at your strength and beauty. It gets easier and that "freedom" you didn't feel? I think you got a sense of it when you walked out of the tatoo parlor :) Thrilled for you and I think you work in a place that all of us would feel lucky to work in - what amazingly kind and caring co-workers!
Comment by Christa M. on September 12, 2010 at 2:59pm
You are fabulous! And the attitude of your co-workers is amazing! And you discover them thanks to your bald head.
Comment by Bald and Fabulous AKA Terri on September 12, 2010 at 6:50pm
I do believe that life does give its biggest challenges to those that are strong enough to take them. And I believe every single one of us have that strength and its sites like this that help us to find and support it.
We are ALL pretty unbelievable individuals and fabulous.
Comment by Roslyn on September 13, 2010 at 10:17pm
Yes you are fabulous!!!!!! Co-workers are wonderful people.
Comment by Sam Sam on September 15, 2010 at 10:56am
I am experience the same things. I am happier not putting on a wig and may say the attention im getting wetaher good or bad is surprising, Im like God who am I that these people want to talk about me. It makes my day , makes me chuckle just to know how far I have came. I think if they only knew what it took to get to thois point. I fought and and won the battle of self image!! and guess what men dont care!! You are very beautiful. and thats is a blessing to have co-workers that will suppourt. My co-workers with me are very nice. Its when i have to leave my work area that gets me a little shakey> Thats when i take the headphones and music and blast my favorite song and walk with my head up high! :)!!


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