I want to start by saying that I dont regret shaving my head. I do believe it was necessary as part of my healing. But today I find myself wavering in my self-image. Wondering if I can ever let myself truly be. I spend so many years hiding and not letting people close. Especially men. I know that there is always going to be good days and bad for everyone not just for us that live with alopecia. And I know that our "battle" sometimes makes it that much more tougher. Im not looking for sympathy just wanted to get it off my chest so to speak. I guess want I really need today is to have someone embrace my head and tell me it doesnt matter that its bald. I just dont know how to ask those near me. How does someone ask without sounding needy. LOL.
This is all probably part of the healing process and the next step into acceptance of myself. Learning to love myself without hiding anymore. I know the alopecia is something that will never go away and I think I have come to acceptance of that. This new image of myself I guess is taking a bit of getting use to. But at least I can smile when I look in the mirror.

Views: 6


Comment by Petra on September 22, 2010 at 1:39am
It took me years, and I mean many many years to finally get used to the reflection in the mirror. It wasn't until I found this group and acceptance that I started feeling comfortable with my image. I have even thought of putting up some mirrors in the house :-) Yeah, I still have my bad moments, but that is only normal.
I would Just ask how they feel about your bald head. I'm sure you will get exactly what you are looking for.
Comment by Pat Latina on September 22, 2010 at 6:04am
Although I cannot physcially embrace your bald head (((HUG))) "It doesn't matter that its bald"!! Be who you are inside - looking in the mirror it's hard - it was for me, but it gets better. Do you wear a wig? You see I wear a wig, but this site has helped me accept myself. I pray it will help you too. Be true to yourself cause it will show outwardly. Stay strong and be YOU.


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