This was an excuse given by one of my 'so-called' friends who said (in a round about way) she would no longer hang out with me if I shaved my head. To be fair I don't really care because she's a bit of a b***h and I hate her. (now)
But this got me contemplating my other friends reactions...and family reactions and general reactions (you see where I'm going with this).
I know anyone who doesn't hang out with me because I'm bald isn't a true friend but in this my school, true friends are hard to come by and you've got to stick with the superficial ones else you eat your lunch on your own, you go to the clubs, alone. And that's just sad.
I'm used to not having many friends (when you carry teacups around with you, it tends to repel people) but I don't want to lose the few friends I have.
But then...I'm gonna lose all my hair anyway. So a few months won't change their opinion...if they don't like bald keeley now...they won't then....

I'm so confused!!! Why does this have to be our problem...why can't they deal with this....we've already got enough to deal with!!!

I can't wait until I move.

Views: 7


Comment by ashley mcmullen on April 13, 2010 at 5:04pm
i understand how you feeel most of my friends that i have made dont know that im loseing my hair becuz they are all new friends(cuz i moved) and im afaid to tell them the truth ive only told a few of them..and even when i was bald people tht werent would look at me differnt my friends didnt want to let others see me with was werid and i noticed it soo i distance myself from them and kept the ones that didnt care and liked me for me not for someone else you will find poeple that don't care that u have alopecia and lose your hair..people that understand you..maybe not to the fullest but enoth to know that they care for you i understand how you feel and i know tons of people on here know how you are feeling cuz most of the people on here have been though this to im here for you stay strong.
Comment by Keeley Tomlinson on April 14, 2010 at 2:37pm
thanks guys :)
Comment by Kari M on April 15, 2010 at 1:11am
Hair is SOOOOO overrated! LOL

I haven't had any for 15 years . . . recently I had coffee with an ex-boyfriend that I had caught up with on facebook . . . it had been 17 years since I last saw him. He's the first person in a long time that hadn't seen me since I lost my hair . . . he actually looked me right in the eye and said "Kari, you have not changed a bit! You are the same Kari you were 17 years ago!"

It's been quite a journey in 15 years, but his words are important . . .hair is overrated, and does NOT make the person.

And people who are truly your friends, will see that.

When people meet me for the first time, they think "holy cow, that girl has no hair!" The next time they see me, I'm just Kari. Period.

Hang in there!!!


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