
Just wondering if there are any Canadians out there I can connect with. I live in a remote part of Canada and just looking for people close to home.

I hope everyone is having a happy, positive day! Sending you all love

Views: 64

Comment by michelle on September 13, 2014 at 7:58pm

Hi There,

I live in Toronto, Ontario.  You may want check out CAANF  Canadian Alopecia Areata National Foundation. We just had our first conference in Toronto this past summer.  It was nice to connect with others across the country.This can be a very isolating disease.  Knowing there are others is very comforting.  What part of Canada are you from?

Comment by Mel* on September 13, 2014 at 10:47pm
Hey! I'm from Labrador. I have checked out CAANF. It's a great site. Feeling pretty alone here lately. It's all so new to me.
Feels like I'm losing myself.
Comment by michelle on September 13, 2014 at 11:06pm

I would suggest contacting CAANF directly and maybe they can give you some direction for your area.  I'm not sure what your story is but its been 3 years since I first lost my hair. (I'm 52).  I went from long beautiful dark hair to not a hair on my body.  I have alopecia universalis.  It has definitely been a journey. Its really a grieving process.  Once I finally accepted that that this is me I was able to move forward.  Don't get me wrong, I have my sad AU days.  There isn't a day that goes by that I don't miss my hair. I have kept myself aware and realistic about treatment options.  Au is a part of my but not the whole me.  I go bald for the most part.  Wigs are not for me.  This site and CAANF is very helpful for decreasing the isolation.  I wish you well.

Comment by Jennifer Krahn on September 14, 2014 at 11:11am

Hi Mel!

Winnipeg!!  Hope you are well.  Lots of support on the site.  CANAAF is wonderful…great people there.

Warm Wishes


Comment by Mel* on September 14, 2014 at 7:35pm
Thanks Jen!!
Comment by Andrea on October 29, 2014 at 10:39am

Hi Mel, I'm from Calgary.  just sent you a friend request.  I'm happy to chat over phone, email, text, whatever.  Hope you're doing well. :)


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