Started this discussion. Last reply by Dominique Cleopatra Feb 10, 2015. 6 Replies 0 Likes
Hi everyone!!I'm looking to find a wig with bangs. Preferably blonde. Does anyone know a good website where I could purchase one?Continue
Mel* has not received any gifts yet
Posted on September 18, 2014 at 12:36pm 1 Comment 0 Likes
Posted on September 11, 2014 at 10:00pm 6 Comments 0 Likes
Just wondering if there are any Canadians out there I can connect with. I live in a remote part of Canada and just looking for people close to home.
I hope everyone is having a happy, positive day! Sending you all love
Posted on September 10, 2014 at 1:30am 9 Comments 0 Likes
Hi everyone.
I was just recently diagnosed with Alopecia and it has been absolutely devastating to me. I feel like I have no control over what's happening so we just have to pick up the pieces and keeping moving forward.
I just wonder, what are the best wigs to order. I have ordered lace front and monofilament caps but I find the lace so itchy and uncomfortable. I usually order heat friendly synthetic hair. Does anyone have any websites they could share with me? I just want to…
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hi read your post, I live in mt pearl, I have total hair loss al over my body iam 60 years old lost it all when I was 20, would like to hear more aboit yourexperiences, therer no support groups here, and istill cannot or everwill get used to losing my hair, hope very much to hear back from you. janet.
Hi Mel:) I'm so sorry to hear you are going thru this. I can remember the days of taking a shower and just watching handfuls of my hair go down the drain and waking up with hair all over my pillows. So I really know how u feel! To answer your question about eyelashes I was goin thru ALOT OF STRESS when mine fell out as, I had just very unexpectedly loss my mom. I believe stress has alot to do w/ this disease. Over the years I have watched my hair grow like a weed when things are going good and fall out when im goin thru hard times. I didn't have eyelashes and eyebrows for over a year. When my eyelashes started growing in it would like a few here here and there, it took about a good 6 mths before they had filled in. Mine didn't grow in like peach fuzz in fact the complete opposite..mine would feel like little needles or like I had sand in my eyes every time I blinked..but it would only last a couple days..there was 1 day that I guess more than a few came thru and I couldn't even keep my eyes open bcuz when I blinked it hurt so bad..I ended up taking sleeping pills so I wouldn't open them.. Thank God the next day the next day was much better. Now keep in mind everyone's experience will be the same..and I'm not trying to freak u out, I just know that I always like to be prepared and learn as much as I can about what to expect. I've been dealing w/ this disease since I was 7 yrs old so I've learned how to cope w/ it but that doesn't mean I don't have bad, sad or angry days..but there are also alot of great days..try your best to stay positive and learn all u can about it..ask lots of questions. I'm here if u need anything or ever wanna chat. You are a very beautiful girl.things will get better..try not to worry sweetie.
I'm sorry about your difficulties right now. Did your boyfriend break up with you because of the alopecia? I've had that experience before and so have a lot of other women. I wrote about it in my book (you can find out more on my page). Anyway, it definitely DOES get easier if, after the grieving, you allow the experience to grow you from within. And this condition really does separate the men from the boys!
Hello and welcome, Mel!
How are you today?
Leslie Ann