Started this discussion. Last reply by Aimee Dec 13, 2014. 1 Reply 0 Likes
I was diagnosed with Alopecia Areata in May of 2013 after finding my first bald patch hiding in the back of my head. Since I've lost all my hair, experienced almost full regrowth and about a month…Continue
Tags: alopecia, cause, prescription, medication
Started this discussion. Last reply by Chenelle Jan 18, 2015. 5 Replies 0 Likes
About a year and a half ago I began losing my hair and by last December I was left completely bald. In March my hair slowly started growing back bit by bit. I truly believed my hair would grow back…Continue
Started Aug 25, 2013 0 Replies 0 Likes
Hi everyone,Thinking it's maybe time to get a wig and would like some feedback.Right now I'm planning on buying a less expensive wig with the hopes that my hair will grow back within the next few…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Alliegator Aug 28, 2013. 2 Replies 0 Likes
Hi everyone, my name is Hayley and I'm 26 years old. Three months ago I found a small coin sized bald spot on the top of the back of my head since then it has grown to 4x5 inches, my part has thinned…Continue
Tags: pretty, discouraged, young, balding, bald
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Heyyyy Hayley ... I'm so happy you have hairs growing, this gives me hope me too ..
I have alopecia and my teenage daughter has just been diagnosed. You are an inspiration. You said you are looking for a good wig. I want to get the zara by Jon Renau. I think it would look great on you.
Hello and welcome!
How are you today?
Leslie Ann
Hey, Hayley.
I finally decided to get a wig when I found something called a wig topper. I ordered them from Wigs.com but the brand was easihair. This brand sells toppers, which are wigs that only clip onto the crown of your head. This brand sells clip on bangs and parts which was a really great transition to wearing wigs because your hair is still a part of your hair style. I ordered the wrong color and was too lazy to send it back, so i just had my hair dresser cut and dye it to match my hair style. The result is amazing, no one knows its a wig, and i feel amazing wearing it. I wear it to school daily.