I had a job interview today with an employment agency. Mind you, I'd responded to an ad for a "Receptionist/Secretary Law Firm". Right up my alley. When I walked in I was shown to a desk where I was then given an insurmountable amount of paperwork to fill out. You would have thought I had bought a house. I removed my overcoat, my cap, exposing my Royal Baldness. The receptionist smiled. The others kept walking past where I was I guess to get a "sneak peak" at the tall bald headed one. No biggie. I took some software tests-scored high. And after being there 2 hours finally sat down to interview. The interviewer never batted an eye about my baldness, didn't act weird. However when I kept asking about the Receptionist/Secretary job she'd double talk out of it. I reminded her how I came to emailing them - I thought they were the actual law firm. Long story short, I don't know if she talked her way out of it because she didn't think me "receptionist" looking type or the job posted was a "bait' which is what they do these days. I am convinced employment agencies need to fulfill some sort of quota in order to earn money, get tax kickbacks, whatever. I don't see how they stay in business when there's no work to be had.

I got the usual "call in as often as you like, if there's something we'll let you know". Hell, I could have kept the $4 total it got me to get there, and been in the comfort of home instead of out in this dreary weather. I leave and go to the bus stop to await my bus.

While waiting for the bus to come home an older woman came up to me and said "May I Pay You A Compliment?" and I said "of course, I don't get enough of them". Then she said "you have beautiful hair". Then I told her "well, what's left of it, I'm bald"...then she said "Sorry, I meant your head is beautiful, you look so beautiful" .This from a perfect stranger.

Felt like Cinderella.

To my Alopecian sister-Cinderellas and brother-CinderFellas, let your light shine, feel free and be happy. If you're settled with this in your head, in your heart, it reflects back to you and people won't be so weirded out. I'm convinced that it reflects. Not to say there aren't a**holes out there that will drive us to fury, but for the most part, it works out. I want and hope for you all to have such a moment as I have had today.

Lili (aka Eulalia)
"This Above All Else, To Thine Own Self Be True".

Views: 10


Comment by Tallgirl on May 23, 2011 at 6:41pm
I knew this in 1974 when an agency sent me across San Francisco for an accounting job...and I was an artist! With hair! Nice to hear your Cinderella moment! Saved the day!
Comment by Norm on May 24, 2011 at 11:55am
Feelin' good, yeah? Ace! So now you need to get this moment down for posterity (posteriority, if you hit too many bum notes) and do a cover version of Cinderella Rockefella. :)
Actually, it wasn't that good back in '67 (more whimsical than musical!), but I can't think of anything else with "Cinderella" in the title... :)


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