Color, color everywhere - what does it all mean? Color is an integral part of our lives from the age of 2 months when we begin to distinguish individual colors as well as the rest of the world! Our color memory is filled with associative hues from birthday balloons, cupcakes, the 4th of July, spring flowers, or the parade of bathing suits, to name a few. For millennium the human race has employed the light spectrum for our visual pleasure, but have you even considered that colors have more than an aesthetic appeal? Why is it that you prefer one color over the hundreds of others, or why some people feel better surrounded by light blue versus dark green? Brain stimulation obviously plays a central part in color cognition, but how, and why?

The science of the use of colors to affect physical and psychological states is called “Chromotherapy”. This concept attempts to explain the emotional connection we have to colors and perhaps explain how we come to have “favorite colors” and why. For example, bright pops of color usually illustrate enjoyable and happy moods, while darker colors are often associated with melancholy atmospheres. It has been shown that colors we see every day, such as those in advertising campaigns, films, magazines, and even food packaging, actually do affect the way we feel.

Aside from the scientific aspect of light, energy and electromagnetic radiation, there is no doubt that colors play a huge part in how we interpret different experiences and environments. Perhaps one of the most important times to remember this is when dealing with a debilitating illness or tragedy. Lifting your spirits during such times can help enormously with the coping process. Take a look at the chromotherapy based interpretations, and see if any analogies arise between these interpretations and the actual way these colors make you feel!

Red: Brings warmth, energy and stimulation, therefore good for energy, fatigue, colds, chilly and passive people.

Orange: Warm, cheering, non-constricting. Orange has a freeing action upon the body and mind, relieving repressions.

Yellow: Helps strengthen the nerves and the mind. It helps awaken mental inspiration and stimulates higher mentality.

Green: The color of nature and the earth! Green is balance and harmony in essence and possesses a soothing influence upon both mind and body.

Blue: Cooling, electric, astringent and brings tranquility.

Indigo: A great purifier of the bloodstream and also benefits mental problems.

Violet/Purple: Colors of transformation - bring spiritual insights and renewal.

White: The perfect color as it is all colors - perfect balance and harmony.

Magenta: Strengthens contact with your life purpose, stimulates adrenaline and heart activity.

Pink: Heals grief and sadness, restores youthfulness, brings you in contact with your feelings.

Turquoise: Increases intuition and sensitivity, tones the general system, builds the skin, relaxes sensations of stress.

Just color me happy, please!

Susan M. Beausang

Views: 4

Comment by Susan Beausang on April 27, 2010 at 7:00am
It was interesting research! Sounds like a very peaceful and lovely trip!



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