Lots of people on this site talk about dating, alopecia, and where the two overlap. I have found that I can get just as much action bald as I did when I had hair. I don't currently have a boyfriend, but I have utter faith that I'll get one eventually.

That being said, I have a profile on OkCupid, a free dating website that's popular among college students and twentysomethings. I've met a few guys in person, messaged a bunch more, and I'm meeting another one today! Wish me luck!

Honestly, no one cares about your hair (or lack thereof). The only reason people might notice it more is if you try to hide it or act weird about it. If you act like it's not a big deal, the people around you will too. Is it actually a big deal? Yeah sure! But other people don't need to know that. ;)

Views: 169

Comment by Erika on November 9, 2011 at 6:11pm

You know that really makes me feel better, thank you. I have never cared about what people think of me until my hair started falling out, but what you say is very true, it would be the same as if i didn't like what my nose looked like, no one else will notice unless I start acting weird and try to hide it. Ive thought about shaving the little hair i have left completely off, as i think it would be more comfortable with a wig, but i worried what people must think, but i guess its true what you say, and if i do it with pride and leave it be then it wont be such a big deal.. Thank you

Comment by peachfuzz on November 9, 2011 at 6:41pm

You're welcome! In my experience, I've found that more people will worry for you or notice something's wrong when you have some hair, but not quite enough. If you just shave it all off, people might ask questions at first, but eventually no one will think anything of it.

Comment by BTB (John) on November 9, 2011 at 10:50pm

Great post Emily and coming from a non AA person in love with a person who has AA the whole bald thing is of no consequence to me but I understand how it is to Pat. So good to see your confident with who you are. John

Comment by Brittney Hirst on November 9, 2011 at 11:36pm

I was very lucky to have my boyfriend when I started loosing my hair! He stayed by my side through the whole journey and never once told me I was caring to much! There are truly good people in this world!

Comment by Alliegator on November 10, 2011 at 9:53am

Good luck! You go girl! I agree... If you don't make a big deal about it then people around you won't either. I was around family members this summer that I had not seen in over 10 years. We all went to the pool one night, and I didn't wear anything on my head. (I shave my head) I didn't say anything about it to any of them, and none of them said a word to me about it or gave me looks!

Comment by Norm on November 10, 2011 at 12:57pm

Aimee, see my True Tale Of Caution in the "Funny Acts of Alopecia" group, and experience your very own Twilight Zone moment.... :)

Comment by peachfuzz on November 10, 2011 at 1:05pm

I do it like this: if they ask, I'll explain. If they don't, I don't bring it up. This might happen on the third date, but it might not. It's different for me because I don't wear a wig.

This guy isn't gonna have a third date though. He wasn't my type haha.

Comment by Norm on November 10, 2011 at 1:13pm

But Emily, how can any guy compete, when you've got Sammy the Strat waiting at home for ya?? :)

Comment by peachfuzz on November 10, 2011 at 3:27pm

Pffft Sammy's a Seagull acoustic haha I could never a fford a Strat!

Comment by Norm on November 10, 2011 at 4:01pm

Now if you'd called him Jonathan Livingstone, I'd have known he was a Seagull... :) When I bought my first electric (a Watkins), I couldn't afford an amp - but it also meant no-one could hear the bum notes! (sort of a trademark now... hey ho!)


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