I just saw my dermatologist. I had a bump on my scalp that itched and was scaly. Its seborrheic keratosis which he froze with cryotherapy. It should slough off and be fine in a few days. My primary care MD thought it might be actinic keratosis, which would be pre-cancerous. I am glad it was not. It’s important to see a dermatologist if you find changes on your bald head. It was interesting he kept pushing Olumiant, the recent “wonder drug” for hair regrowth. I’ve researched the drug and people who did the trials and based on what I read the cons outweigh the pros. He seemed to really push it. I said I didn’t want it. Don’t know if any of you have had the same experience.

Views: 89

Comment by Cheryl, Co-founder on July 22, 2024 at 9:51pm

I personally have a problem with doctors pushing the new drugs.  Ask and then let it be.  I was also asked if I considered any of the new treatments.  I think she could tell from my short answer that I really was not her "customer".  I am glad you are well Lili!  

Comment by Sheena on July 25, 2024 at 10:13am

They definitely shouldn’t be pushy about it. I’ll tell you my experience though. I went in for an eczema issue, which has been known to be linked to alopecia. I have had alopecia off and on since I was 2 and I’m in my late 30s now. My Derm brought up Olumiant as well as the other JAK inhibitor drugs and was excited to share because Derms and patients have been waiting a while for it to be an option for alopecia and not just rheumatoid arthritis. We talked about the side effects and she even followed up on one in particular I had a questions about to help me feel at ease. I have been taking it for 6 months now with significant improvements. Getting approved and dealing with a speciality pharmacy has been a struggle though. I haven’t noticed any negative side effects at this time. However, if you aren’t interested and your doctor continues to push then time to find a different doctor! 

Comment by Denise on July 29, 2024 at 3:12pm

When I first started - yes my dermatologist at the time was SUPER pushy with oral/needle steroids and multiple times after I said I didn't want to go that route.  

I was still in shock state so I was just trying to get some answers - my follow up she mentioned again and I had to tell her if you saying anything else about steroid then I'll walk right out and I'm not paying due to the lack of disrespect of my feelings.

Never said anything again and after biopsy I never went back.


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