A small moan: Anyone who read/reads my last blog post would see I dyed my wig a much darker colour then it was previously.
Out of everyone in work, only one person has noticed and commented on it, and she only works in the canteen, not really I spend a lot of time with.
I don’t know if they all know it’s a wig and don’t know what to say, or if they just do not take half as much notice to hair as I thought they might.
It’s in some ways upsetting, making me more self-conscious. Are they all saying wig changed colour? They all saying stuff behind my back about it? Or are they just so oblivious to it all….?
I think most people do not comment when a lady colors her hair unless perhaps it is 'drastic' like jet black to blond. I am almost 50 and was taught it was rude to do so - so maybe that is what is going on? Once, I had a lady boss who had gray hair. She came in the next day jet black - a young female clerk that worked there exclaimed 'oh my God you dyed your hair!!' The older boss lady was fuming and told her that was rude to comment when a female colors her hair. The clerk was not being mean - I honestly think she was just really surprised - it was a big change.
I learning that sometimes we make more of a big deals about our own changes that others do. In May I decided to live my life as a bald woman since, it amaze me each day how for many years I was so self conscious of my totally hair loss and many times now I forget I don't have on a wig because I have not been treated any different with the wig off as to having it on.
Maybe your co-workers is not paying as much attention to your hair as you think they are.If you change your hair as much as I did when I were wearing the wigs, my co workers just thought I like changing to the different styles. Since it gotten cold I have put back on the wigs some days but,the great part is I may chose to take it off the same day when it warms up and no one cares one way of the other.
I hope one day you will have this same peace. Don't be so hard on yourself just remember you are beautiful with/without hair,hair does not define who we are.
Lovelyjan, I totally agree with your comment. I felt the same feelings back when and now. Now we have the blessings to know that we can work the versitality without feeling low about ourselves. We have always been blessed but knowing the blessing says much more. Merry Christmas....and I've just bought hats to cover in the cold.....perhaps one day I may put on my wig but right now...I am totally not missing it at all. I thank my God for keeping me...I know now that it is my heart that makes me.
PJ,how are you? I too have bought hats to cover,I do understand not missing the wigs because when I do put it on now,there a big difference knowing that I can take it off and still be my self compared to the past not been able to take it off for myself. I hope that make sense to someone other than me. Lol Blessing keep flowing and Yes God is keeping us. Merry Christmas
Ha I can relate to that! I also recently dyed my wig and it's turned out very dark brown but although I thought it was rather extreme for me everyone loves the colour so much I've just dyed another with the same :) I ran into a neighbour yesterday and she said oh you look lovely have you done something? I said yes I've dyed this hair darker...she loved it.
Hey I have a good one to share. I had hair down to my tail bone back in August. Well the big dread shed happened and I had to cut about 6 inches off. NO ONE, not a soul!!! Not even people in my family!!! Said ONE thing! You'd think they'd notice 6 inches gone. Nope. I don't think people around you think its a wig. So I wouldn't worry about that. I think it might just be the season and everyone is preoccupied.
I am new to the site and I was just reading some of the comments this morning. It is such a pleasure and a joy to be able to read some of the expressions that I have been "thinking" and others are sharing. I'm loving this site already :)
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