Well I decided I wanted to dye my ‘human hair’ wig yesterday, for a Christmas boost. I had done it before and it has become a bit of an addiction, why buy a new colour when I can boost this one just a little more… I always worry though. Just before I start thinking, what if all the hair falls off, and then what? But I do it anyhow.

Now I have read a number of times, always go for a shade lighter then you want, and never leave it in for the full time.
The first time I dyed my hair (I know it’s a wig but well it’s my hair now) I did go for a lighter shade and out of being paranoid never left it on very long at all, it hardly worked.
This resulted in my getting a second packet (a shade darker) a week or so later and topping it up. This one worked fairly well and I was happy with the result. But as I also read that the colours do not last very long (and with using a semi perm type) it recently started to fade again and I could see the dreaded red (at one time I loved the red now I am fed up with it).
So I had been debating on buying a new wig. But with the cost of Christmas and various other things getting in the way, I have decided to just dye it again and make do, until I can find the right wig for me.

Anyhow, I decided to ignore all advice, confidence had grown, I wanted my hair to look darker, so I went out and after some debate with myself in the dying aisle, I thought stuff it, picked up a dark brown dye, and brought it home. Then my second stuff it was leave it on for the time it states…. The result is a very dark, almost black colour. Hmmm maybe they do have a point; it had gone a shade darker then the dark brown, yet, I LOVE IT!

It is just like my original real life hair colour, it is almost like I have gone full circle back to my roots so to say. I have tried many colour wigs experimenting with colours, styles, always looking for that something different. But now I am back to how I started…. For now at least, until the dreaded red comes back again… :)

Views: 40


Comment by Karen Smith on December 20, 2011 at 9:41am

I have dyed several of my daughter's wigs. It is not that difficult and it is fun to experiment with color.


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