I'm new to this site but sadly not new to the hair loss. I have so many people telling me I have alopecia and then others saying I don't.. I don't know what to think anymore.

The first time I lost my hair, it grew back like weeds within 3 months. The second time I lost my hair was 11 months after the first time I lost it, and this time around I'm losing my eyebrows and eyelashes too. I don't know if I should be hopeful that it will magically grow back again in a month or to believe that this is it.

I'm sad all the time and I can't focus on my school. I've failed my past three midterms and I'm slowly driving myself crazy. I have no idea what's going on and I wish someone could tell me.

My GP told me it was all because my thyroid was underactive when I tested positive for hypothyroid 2 months ago. She told me she couldn't treat me until she did another test in a month. The second test was negative for hypothyroid. What? How? Now she thinks it's alopecia, but isn't sure because I've lost the lunula's on my nails and they are now a reddish/purple color. Does anyone else have this?

Views: 48

Comment by Tallgirl on March 8, 2011 at 5:38pm
A dermatologist experienced in alopecia is what gets the best diagnosis. Be sure your studies are not going down for lack of studying, too much partying, not enough counseling or a learning disability (get tested) before you blame the alopecia. I know emotional disturbances can take your mind off of things, so be sure to get your mind on some fun stuff, too. I never had the reddish/purple nails, except when cold from no gloves...so I have no answers on that one! What movies and music can soothe you? Do you write journals or draw?
Comment by Heather on March 8, 2011 at 8:30pm
Let me just say ANY changes in your nails like that needs further investigation. There something definitely going on.
Comment by Jessica on March 8, 2011 at 9:48pm
Thank you so much guys.. I really appreciate the comments. It's been hard on me.
I'm seeing an endocrinologist and I'll ask him about my nails.. Maybe something more is going on than just my hair.
Comment by Lee on March 9, 2011 at 12:52am
I agree...def. need to see a derm.
Comment by Henry on March 12, 2011 at 11:50am
i have same story, first time 3 months AA, 2nd time 11 months AA and now 17 months and 90% hair loss over body, i almost lost all my eyebrows and lashes, its going to AU. I have a friend who's a doctor and she wrote kenalog and prednisolon-richter for me...it's good that i don't have to wait one month to see derm..i'm exhausted to visit him all the time and wait another month to see him again..8 days ago i only inject my eyebrows because i dont want my hairs back (i did it alone and no pain at all)...i love my bald head but still i miss my eyebrows..theres still itchy in eyebrows and no result yet but 8 days is too soon to see some result(2-4 weeks) I know my english sucks a lot, i'm from northern europe!!!


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