Hey everyone....well it looks like my brows are quickly disappearing. I am trying to draw them on with a brow pencil but it looks really bad. Anyone have any advice or tips? I hope everyone is doing good! Thank you for any advice!!


Views: 29

Comment by Crystal on February 4, 2010 at 6:31pm
I'm in the same boat as yourself....I have one gone and I'm trying to master the art of trying to draw it on like yourself. The next step for me would be to have it tattoo on.
Comment by Mary on February 4, 2010 at 6:46pm
I had mine tatooed before they were completely gone so the artist could follow my natural brow shape. They don't look like my old brows, but it's a lot easier than trying to draw them on each day. I put a little powder on to darken them, and it's very quick because the tattoes are already there. I cover the powder with a brush of "staying" liquid (Bald Girls Do Lunch sells it...also may be available in stores.) Good luck!
Comment by Beth S on February 4, 2010 at 11:18pm
I am hoping mine grow back so I am afraid to tattoo - yet. I use a "stencil" that is a great guide. I use a pencil with light strokes and then apply a semi permanent powder over the pencil. It lasts pretty well. Depedning on the day and what i am doing I add a liquid that helps it stay. It is I guess a laquer type of product that I bought at ula.
Comment by lynne on February 5, 2010 at 5:26am
i have eyebrows growin bak altho they r pure white and u cant see them so i still draw mine on which isnt perfect but i have a fringe that helps to cover, go into ur nearest beauty shop and see if they'll show n help u on how to do ur eyebrows
Comment by Frank Pratt on February 5, 2010 at 10:35am
Try this website:

They have eyebrow stencils, temp eyebrow tatoos, you name it.
Comment by Stephanie on February 6, 2010 at 10:54am
If you put a dot in line with the inside corner of your eye on your brow bone (you can feel it) and then one slightly higher in line with your pupil (for the arch) and then one diagonally above the outside corner of your eye (also on the brow bone) you can then "connect the dots" by filling them in and it will look natural. None of us have perfectly symmetrical eyebrows so it's okay if they look a bit different but it looks odd if they are too close together, too far out, or below the brow bone. I use the brow kit from BGDL which has a long lasting powder, brush, and sealer. It doesn't come off during my aerobics classes or after being on my face during massages. I'd say that's pretty good! Hope that helps. :) Stephanie
Comment by Amber W. on April 10, 2010 at 10:02am
I use the "temporary tattoo" eyebrows from blinkiesonline.com. I get them in the Dark Athena style (under the "brown" section). I apply them every couple of days and I don't have to worry about them rubbing off on clothes or smudging if one of my sons bumps me. I have been nervous about doing the permanent tattoos so I found these to be a good option. Maybe my advice is obsolete now... I hope you found something that works for you!
Comment by Donna DeHoog on April 10, 2010 at 10:26am
Thank you, Amber and everyone! I will check it out!
Comment by Petra on April 11, 2010 at 4:39am
I had mine tatooed on many years ago and I was really happy with them. They have faded over time so now I use an eyebrow pencil to darken them. I want to get a touchup on the tatoo and will do so when I find the right place. I like the idea of not being able to rub my eyebrows off :-0
Comment by Laura M on November 8, 2010 at 10:19pm
Hayy Donna,
Over the past year or so, ive have my eye brows go.
i have picked up a little trick, if you have dark hair.
soo you know the maraca brush, well you keep one till its almost out. (i use black maraca)
like really almost out. rub it across the back of your hand to make sure there isnt much there.
then use that to brush in little hard strokes to make texture over where your eye brows go.
go a little drastic, this will help in making your perfect shape.
so once youve drawn your over sized eye brows with the almost done mascara, take a bit of the top of a q-tip off so that you have a smaller end with less cotton. use that end to shape and arch your eye brows. grab a dark brown or black eye shadow (i use black)-non shimmer. and go over the shaped eyebrow to fill in the spaces from the mascara. i then go over it lightly with mineral foundation. this is honestly how i have been doing my eye brows every day for the past year or so. im so worried about them looking as naturaly as can be and this is the best and most natural way ive seen them!
remember the trick is in the mascara, make sure its pretty much out!

try it out and let me know if you have any questions :)

hope this helps!


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