Hey all,
I am having a very difficult time right now. As alot of you know...I was diagnosed as having hypothyroidism march 08 by a doctor that considers normal range lower than most for whatever reason. At the time, I had no symptoms of thyroid problems but went on the medication per his recommendations. Nine months later, hell begin so to speak....major hair loss, severe muscles aches, freezing cold all the time and frequent infections. I went to an acupuncturist and herbal therapist after 9 months of repeated doctors appointment with no answers. The acupuncturist put me on some herbs which I responded beautifully to....came off thyroid meds two weeks into the treatment and felt human again. Six weeks into that treatment...started showing signs of iodine toxicity with burning in my mouth and throat so immediately stopped his treatment. That has been 6 weeks ago tomorrow....now I feel like I am spiraling down again. Just found out a couple of weeks ago that I have sclerosis of my spine in one area and my back aches all the time! I am 39 and feel like I am 89. I had no quality of life on thyroid meds plus my hair loss was sooooo much worse on thyroid meds. My symptoms of thyroid trouble was sooo much worse when on meds. I feel completely hopeless of ever having a normal life again. I feel like such a freak with my hair loss! I know without a doubt in my mind...if I have to go back on meds...I will lose all of my hair! You guys and gals out there are soooo strong....you all truly are my inspiration! I hate my appearance...I feel sooo ugly and I dont think I will ever be the same! More importantly, I just want to feel ok and not have to spend the rest of my life in pain from thyroid disease.

Thanks for listening or reading...lol


Views: 27

Comment by Kimberly Rolon on November 13, 2009 at 7:05pm
Hi Donna,
Im sorry about your health problems. Iknow how fustrating that can be. Going through this is not an easy path. It is one that I haft to take one day at a time and sometimes on hour or minute at a time. You said something that caught my eye and it is that you will never be the same. I find this to be true but I hope and pray that you can become a stronger person. Thanks for sharing this with us!
:) KIm
Comment by John M. on November 13, 2009 at 8:41pm
Donna - you know you can count on me for any support and to talk to me about anything. I didn't realize things were this bad...I'm really, really sorry. How can I help?
Comment by Glenda Folkersen Stroh on November 13, 2009 at 10:32pm
I should have read your post prior to writing...I'm so sorry about your health issues, hopefully you will find a treatment that works...it breaks my heart to hear that you feel like a freak and ugly...I know it's hard not to judge ourselves by societies standards...but we have to stop doing that and judge us by God's standard. You won't be the same...you will be better, you truly need to believe this, you need to perceive yourself as beautiful...I don't know you, however from listening to you I can tell you have so much to give and in doing that...just giving and doing things that make you happy, you will overcome this. I'm sorry your having such a hard time and I truly hope the best for you, that you can start to heal <3
Comment by Mary on November 13, 2009 at 10:43pm
Donna, I'm so sorry to hear about all of this. I hope you get some good care from your doctors for the thyroid disease. Please...try to keep some small bit of hope that it's not the end of the world if you lose your hair. I remember feeling that way SO strongly - I didn't see how I would want to live looking the way I do now. I understand. I spent a lot of time looking in the mirror and crying. But, I when I did lose it all, I got through it, and I've moved on. Many of us have found that life not only goes on, it gets better. You're still you. You're not your hair. Take care, Mary
Comment by JeffreySF on November 13, 2009 at 11:02pm
Hi Donna,

Sorry to hear about your health problems.
You might want to consider a Chiropractor for you back problems. I know my Chiropractor has has really helped me. Unfortunatly it doesnt cure alopecia or hypothyroidism.
Try and not feel like a freak with your hairloss. I know how hard it is. Consider the NAAF conf in Indianapolis 6/2010 you wont regret it.

Hugz kiddo
Comment by Robert on November 15, 2009 at 1:39pm
Hi Donna

I'm so sorry to hear about what you're going through just now. I really hope that things get better for you really soon.

Take care
Comment by Melody on November 15, 2009 at 10:56pm
Talk to a doctor about Hashimoto's Thyroiditis.
My mother went through a similar experience and it took 5 years to get a definite diagnosis.
Comment by Brandy Snap on November 17, 2009 at 7:33am
It's not so much that we're strong; we just learn that we have to deal; then move on with our lives. It sucks. We cry. We move on. That's life.
Comment by Melissa Harris on November 17, 2009 at 12:32pm
I'm here for you! Please hang in there!! Maybe you should get a second opinion from another doctor?! Don't loose hope! Did you ever talk with Jessica? She was Hashimotos's and she might have some insight to treatments. Maybe you just need another formulation of treatment that will work for you. Everyone is different. Also, maybe there are some therapy/exercise that you could do for your back? Have you seen a doctor about this too?? Donna, I'm sending you a big hug right now! Don't despair! You just need to re-group and try again with looking into a new treatment/diagnosis. Maybe there is something else going on there. In the meantime, wear a hair piece if it makes you feel better. I know it's not your hair and it sucks sometimes but you need to keep going. Life was not meant to be lived with us down all the time. I think there are many things that you still need to do! I'm praying for you now and I hope that you will feel better soon!! Please take care and try to be strong, I know it's hard! Hugs! Melissa :)
Comment by Donna DeHoog on November 18, 2009 at 10:09am
Hey everyone! I just wanted to thank each and everyone of you for your responses! It is soooo nice to know that I have such wonderful caring friends on here! I definitely have my bad days and the ok days....wouldnt really call them good days but I certainly hope one day I can say that I am having a good day again. You guys are truly amazing! You all truly make what I am going through bearable. Thank you all soooooo very much!

Love you all!


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