Every day, no matter how many years go by....it's the Cliche (over used expression) which becomes nonsensical. I shrug it off in revolt these days....."hmmmmmm"
My own quietness, observation of ignorance and awareness, is to the nth degree. When all the while, deep within the psyche of their intellectual perception, they're so busy judging our external facade.
After all...if it's what's on the inside that counts......then why are they unable to see past the external image we project?
All they are able to perceive is external reality. Which is in turn, their loss and their demise.
I call it in my own words...... "SHALLOW MINDEDNESS"
When a Person is so busy judging, busy trying to change another, they miss out, on truly finding the essence, and true innate nature of the person they wish to know.
It takes a "Great Mind" to over see and "Look Beyond" the external.
As a Postive Observer, we are Empowerd to Enlightenment.
Remember the old line...."Don’t judge a book by its Cover". Well, we are responsible for our own perceptions, and our own opinions.This assessment of judging others, reveals the insecurites and negatives about ourselves.
I know all too well, the underlying statement and thoughts behind those absurd, utterly or obviously senseless, illogical, or untrue ways of thinking. Contrary to all reason or common sense... laughably foolish.
Unfortunately...we are many and all have our own lessons to learn. Certainly our own way of reasoning and understanding abilities.
I have encountered a multitude of aggravating expressions and illogical ideologies.
Oh yes...it's what's on the inside that counts......"how condescending......how patronizing"
Those same people with all the answers..aren't walking in our shoes, and are unable to relate.
Yet there are rules that govern all life...that we encompass a common goal of social respect, compassion and empathy.
Unfortunaletly there are some who haven't got a clue about the Universal Secret, which transcends kindness, courtesy and the ability to see without having to look!
Not only do we have to bear the brunt of negative idiosyncrasies and attack to our being.
We also have to listen to stained energy flowing out at us endlessly.
"Oh...you are beautiful the way you are...it's what's on the inside that counts....besides..you wouldn't look good with hair anyway".
Hmmm thinking...thinking, thinking, looking at your head, looking at your face...hmmmm, looking up at the sky again, thinking....."I couldn't even imagine you with hair"
Mind you, all of this is done in a split second of recognition!
No...I was born and Alien!
Just the 'World hasn't figured that one out yet"
Even if that was so....we would most likely be ousted too!
Ok.......enough of my "VENTING"
As I Say.........................................."Let Your Hair Down"....................and be, who you are!
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