I feel so stressed out seeing my little girl going through so much and not being able to make it go away it hurts so much! I need parents who are going through the same thing to give me advice and assistance!

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Comment by Carol on September 21, 2010 at 10:12pm
Although I'm not a parent of an alopecian, I understand what you are going through. My advice is limited in this aspect however I can tell you a few things. Do not let these feelings spill into your daughter's lap, she's dealing with this too and doesn't need to feel that she is causing you undue stress. Treat her as you always have, she's the same person she was before this happened. Encourage her skills and talents and find a sense of humor appropriate to the situation (your brain is so big there was no room for hair or God made all the perfect heads bald and put hair on the rest). Find support from other parents who know and understand what you are dealing with, this could be through a local support group or from discussions and chats online (I recommend The Children's Alopecia Project CAP). As hard as it can be to let our children make decisions, let her be the boss on treatments, head coverings and how she feels comfortable during day-to-day activities. I understand that things are different from your perspective as a parent and that on top of her anxieties you have to cope with other people and parents asking you what this is all about. Please, never shy away from telling more people what alopecia is and what it means, awareness is a key element to preventing future misconceptions. Because you feel so strongly about this cause may I even suggest starting your own support group if you don't have one or helping your daughter raise funds for an alopecia organization through her school, friends, family and even the community. I know you hurt to see her going through this but she's not in any physical pain and when you make alopecia less of a mystery, people are generally quite willing to open their minds and their hearts - including classroom peers. I feel as though my mother was embarrassed by my alopecia when I was growing up and that can be even more damaging than the alopecia itself. I hope yours and your daughter's alopecia journey becomes easier with time, may God bless your souls and ease your suffering. :)


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